To install PhraseDroid, search for it on the android market of use the QR-code on this page.
Version 1.0 (Officialy released on the android market)
New input method
More languages (14)
Smaller application
New icon :-D
Version 0.2
Faster loading time (<1s on the Nexus one)
The input language can be English, French, German, Spanish or Italian depending on the language of your phone (defaulting to English for other locales)
One can also choose between English, French, German, Spanish or Italian for the target langugae.
New icon ;-)
Source code
The source code for the library and the demo application is hosted on Github.
improve the overal efficiency of the application (currently, due to memory limitations only small grammars work on the Android) and publish and advertise the library.
implement the type checker in Java (once the main one is stable in the Haskell version)