[09:30:00] *** Quits: JuanDaugherty (~juan@ (Quit: Ex Chat) [09:39:18] There's a GerundAP : VP -> AP and PastPartAP : VPSlash -> AP in the RGL. [15:43:32] I was worrying about the subjunctive/conjunctive mood in: [15:44:49] "50,000 people sign a petition demanding that Bowden be reinstated" [15:49:07] But reading https://www.grammaticalframework.org/lib/doc/languages/gf-english.html gave me hope it might be already implemented. [15:50:58] Only problem was I had demand as a VS, not V2V. [15:53:25] So I defined that_PREP = mkPrep "that" [15:53:29] And it works. [18:20:46] *** Joins: JuanDaugherty (~juan@ [20:45:46] drbean: cool