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Idiom: Idiomatic Expressions

  abstract Idiom = Cat ** {
This module defines constructions that are formed in fixed ways, often different even in closely related languages.
      ImpersCl  : VP -> Cl ;        -- it is hot
      GenericCl : VP -> Cl ;        -- one sleeps
      CleftNP   : NP  -> RS -> Cl ; -- it is I who did it
      CleftAdv  : Adv -> S  -> Cl ; -- it is here she slept
      ExistNP   : NP -> Cl ;        -- there is a house
      ExistIP   : IP -> QCl ;       -- which houses are there
      ProgrVP   : VP -> VP ;        -- be sleeping
      ImpPl1    : VP -> Utt ;       -- let's go
      ImpP3     : NP -> VP -> Utt ; -- let John walk