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Relative clauses and pronouns

  abstract Relative = Cat ** {
The simplest way to form a relative clause is from a clause by a pronoun similar to such that.
      RelCl    : Cl -> RCl ;            -- such that John loves her
The more proper ways are from a verb phrase (formed in [``Verb`` Verb.html]) or a sentence with a missing noun phrase (formed in [``Sentence`` Sentence.html]).
      RelVP    : RP -> VP -> RCl ;      -- who loves John
      RelSlash : RP -> ClSlash -> RCl ; -- whom John loves
Relative pronouns are formed from an 'identity element' by prefixing or suffixing (depending on language) prepositional phrases or genitives.
      IdRP  : RP ;                      -- which
      FunRP : Prep -> NP -> RP -> RP ;  -- the mother of whom