abstract Sentence = Cat ** {
data PredVP : NP -> VP -> Cl ; -- John walksUsing an embedded sentence as a subject is treated separately. This can be overgenerating. E.g. whether you go as subject is only meaningful for some verb phrases.
PredSCVP : SC -> VP -> Cl ; -- that she goes is good
SlashVP : NP -> VPSlash -> ClSlash ; -- (whom) he sees AdvSlash : ClSlash -> Adv -> ClSlash ; -- (whom) he sees today SlashPrep : Cl -> Prep -> ClSlash ; -- (with whom) he walks SlashVS : NP -> VS -> SSlash -> ClSlash ; -- (whom) she says that he loves
ImpVP : VP -> Imp ; -- love yourselves
EmbedS : S -> SC ; -- that she goes EmbedQS : QS -> SC ; -- who goes EmbedVP : VP -> SC ; -- to go
fun UseCl : Temp -> Pol -> Cl -> S ; UseQCl : Temp -> Pol -> QCl -> QS ; UseRCl : Temp -> Pol -> RCl -> RS ; UseSlash : Temp -> Pol -> ClSlash -> SSlash ;An adverb can be added to the beginning of a sentence, either with comma (externally) or without:
AdvS : Adv -> S -> S ; -- then I will go home ExtAdvS : Adv -> S -> S ; -- next week, I will go homeThis covers subjunctive clauses, but they can also be added to the end.
SSubjS : S -> Subj -> S -> S ; -- I go home if she comesA sentence can be modified by a relative clause referring to its contents.
RelS : S -> RS -> S ; -- she sleeps, which is good-- A sentence can also be post-modified by a subjunct sentence. -- ModSubjS : S -> Subj -> S -> S ; -- she sleeps, because she is old -- cf. Adverb.SubjS