
Plain text version of IEEE754.lhs

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.Binary.IEEE754 (
	-- * Parsing
	  getFloat16be, getFloat16le
	, getFloat32be, getFloat32le
	, getFloat64be, getFloat64le
	-- * Serializing
	, putFloat32be, putFloat32le
	, putFloat64be, putFloat64le
) where

import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR, Bits)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (foldl')

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Binary.Get (Get, getByteString)
import Data.Binary.Put (Put, putByteString)

getFloat16be :: Get Float
getFloat16be = getFloat (ByteCount 2) splitBytes

getFloat16le :: Get Float
getFloat16le = getFloat (ByteCount 2) $ splitBytes . reverse

getFloat32be :: Get Float
getFloat32be = getFloat (ByteCount 4) splitBytes

getFloat32le :: Get Float
getFloat32le = getFloat (ByteCount 4) $ splitBytes . reverse

getFloat64be :: Get Double
getFloat64be = getFloat (ByteCount 8) splitBytes

getFloat64le :: Get Double
getFloat64le = getFloat (ByteCount 8) $ splitBytes . reverse

splitBytes :: [Word8] -> RawFloat
splitBytes bs = RawFloat width sign exp' sig expWidth sigWidth where
	width = ByteCount (length bs)
	nBits = bitsInWord8 bs
	sign = if head bs .&. 0x80 == 0x80
		then Negative
		else Positive
	expStart = 1
	expWidth = exponentWidth nBits
	expEnd = expStart + expWidth
	exp' = Exponent . fromIntegral $ bitSlice bs expStart expEnd
	sigWidth = nBits - expEnd
	sig  = Significand $ bitSlice bs expEnd nBits

merge :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => RawFloat -> a
merge f@(RawFloat _ _ e sig eWidth _)
	| e == 0 = if sig == 0
		then 0.0
		else denormalised f
	| e == eMax - 1 = if sig == 0
		then read "Infinity"
		else read "NaN"
	| otherwise = normalised f
	where eMax = 2 `pow` eWidth

normalised :: RealFloat a => RawFloat -> a
normalised f = encodeFloat fraction exp' where
	Significand sig = rawSignificand f
	Exponent exp' = unbiased - sigWidth
	fraction = sig + (1 `bitShiftL` rawSignificandWidth f)
	sigWidth = fromIntegral $ rawSignificandWidth f
	unbiased = unbias (rawExponent f) (rawExponentWidth f)

denormalised :: RealFloat a => RawFloat -> a
denormalised f = encodeFloat sig exp' where
	Significand sig = rawSignificand f
	Exponent exp' = unbiased - sigWidth + 1
	sigWidth = fromIntegral $ rawSignificandWidth f
	unbiased = unbias (rawExponent f) (rawExponentWidth f)

getFloat :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => ByteCount
            -> ([Word8] -> RawFloat) -> Get a
getFloat (ByteCount width) parser = do
	raw <- fmap (parser . B.unpack) $ getByteString width
	let absFloat = merge raw
	return $ case rawSign raw of
		Positive ->  absFloat
		Negative -> -absFloat

putFloat32be :: Float -> Put
putFloat32be = putFloat (ByteCount 4) id

putFloat32le :: Float -> Put
putFloat32le = putFloat (ByteCount 4) reverse

putFloat64be :: Double -> Put
putFloat64be = putFloat (ByteCount 8) id

putFloat64le :: Double -> Put
putFloat64le = putFloat (ByteCount 8) reverse

splitFloat :: RealFloat a => ByteCount -> a -> RawFloat
splitFloat width x = raw where
	raw = RawFloat width sign clampedExp clampedSig expWidth sigWidth
	sign = if isNegativeNaN x || isNegativeZero x || x < 0
		then Negative
		else Positive
	clampedExp = clamp expWidth exp'
	clampedSig = clamp sigWidth sig
	(exp', sig) = case (dFraction, dExponent, biasedExp) of
		(0, 0, _) -> (0, 0)
		(_, _, 0) -> (0, Significand $ truncatedSig + 1)
		_         -> (biasedExp, Significand truncatedSig)
	expWidth = exponentWidth $ bitCount width
	sigWidth = bitCount width - expWidth - 1 -- 1 for sign bit
	(dFraction, dExponent) = decodeFloat x
	rawExp = Exponent $ dExponent + fromIntegral sigWidth
	biasedExp = bias rawExp expWidth
	truncatedSig = abs dFraction - (1 `bitShiftL` sigWidth)

rawToBytes :: RawFloat -> [Word8]
rawToBytes raw = integerToBytes mashed width where
	RawFloat width sign exp' sig expWidth sigWidth = raw
	sign' :: Word8
	sign' = case sign of
		Positive -> 0
		Negative -> 1
	mashed = mashBits sig sigWidth .
	         mashBits exp' expWidth .
	         mashBits sign' 1 $ 0

clamp :: (Num a, Bits a) => BitCount -> a -> a
clamp = (.&.) . mask where
	mask 1 = 1
	mask n | n > 1 = (mask (n - 1) `shiftL` 1) + 1
	mask _ = undefined

mashBits :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> BitCount -> Integer -> Integer
mashBits _ 0 x = x
mashBits y n x = (x `bitShiftL` n) .|. fromIntegral y

integerToBytes :: Integer -> ByteCount -> [Word8]
integerToBytes _ 0 = []
integerToBytes x n = bytes where
	bytes = integerToBytes (x `shiftR` 8) (n - 1) ++ [step]
	step = fromIntegral x .&. 0xFF

putFloat :: (RealFloat a) => ByteCount -> ([Word8] -> [Word8]) -> a -> Put
putFloat width f x = putByteString $ B.pack bytes where
	bytes = f . rawToBytes . splitFloat width $ x

data RawFloat = RawFloat
	{ rawWidth            :: ByteCount
	, rawSign             :: Sign
	, rawExponent         :: Exponent
	, rawSignificand      :: Significand
	, rawExponentWidth    :: BitCount
	, rawSignificandWidth :: BitCount
	deriving (Show)

exponentWidth :: BitCount -> BitCount
exponentWidth k
	| k == 16         = 5
	| k == 32         = 8
	| k `mod` 32 == 0 = ceiling (4 * logBase 2 (fromIntegral k)) - 13
	| otherwise       = error "Invalid length of floating-point value"

bias :: Exponent -> BitCount -> Exponent
bias e eWidth = e - (1 - (2 `pow` (eWidth - 1)))

unbias :: Exponent -> BitCount -> Exponent
unbias e eWidth = e + 1 - (2 `pow` (eWidth - 1))

data Sign = Positive | Negative
	deriving (Show)

newtype Exponent = Exponent Int
	deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Ord, Real, Enum, Integral, Bits)

newtype Significand = Significand Integer
	deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Ord, Real, Enum, Integral, Bits)

newtype BitCount = BitCount Int
	deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Ord, Real, Enum, Integral)

newtype ByteCount = ByteCount Int
	deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Ord, Real, Enum, Integral)

bitCount :: ByteCount -> BitCount
bitCount (ByteCount x) = BitCount (x * 8)

bitsInWord8 :: [Word8] -> BitCount
bitsInWord8 = bitCount . ByteCount . length

bitShiftL :: (Bits a) => a -> BitCount -> a
bitShiftL x (BitCount n) = shiftL x n

bitShiftR :: (Bits a) => a -> BitCount -> a
bitShiftR x (BitCount n) = shiftR x n

bitSlice :: [Word8] -> BitCount -> BitCount -> Integer
bitSlice bs = sliceInt (foldl' step 0 bs) bitCount' where
	step acc w     = shiftL acc 8 + fromIntegral w
	bitCount'      = bitsInWord8 bs

sliceInt :: Integer -> BitCount -> BitCount -> BitCount -> Integer
sliceInt x xBitCount s e = fromIntegral sliced where
	sliced = (x .&. startMask) `bitShiftR` (xBitCount - e)
	startMask = n1Bits (xBitCount - s)
	n1Bits n  = (2 `pow` n) - 1

pow :: (Integral a, Integral b, Integral c) => a -> b -> c
pow b e = floor $ fromIntegral b ** fromIntegral e

isNegativeNaN :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool
isNegativeNaN x = isNaN x && (floor x > 0)