28/9 Group photo
All assignments have now been uploaded on the GF repository and imported in ParseChi.gf. Also the issue with double 在 has been solved in the Chinese RGL, hopefully.
Monday lecture 13-15 (19:00 - 21:35)
Tuesday lab 1-2 (8:00- 9:40), lecture 7-8 (13:30 - 15:10)
Wednesday lab1-2 (8:00- 9:40)
Thursday lecture 1-2 (8:00- 9:40), lab 13-15 (19:00 - 21:35)
Friday lab 10-11 (16:15 - 17:55)
Slides of Day 2, pp. 56-87.
Basic (day 1); also look at the version on the GF cloud which is a bit different.
Query (day 2): the task is to equip QueryChi.gf with Chinese words.
1. Pick one of the Assignments
2. Write your lexicon by editing the assignment file.
3. Compile the file by the GF command
i -s -src Assign_<n>.gf
with <n> set to your assignment number. You need the GF libraries installed, as well as the following file, which you can have in your working directory:
If you want to test the whole grammar with your own lexicon added, look at this file.
4. Submit your assignment by 14:00 on Friday. Send it as an email attachement to aarne at chalmers dot se. As your file will be processed automatically, you should not change its name or structure, in particular its division to lines. Use the email subject line
SYSU Assignment <n>
with n = your assignment number. As the message body, write your name both in Chinese and Latin characters. Make sure that your GF file compiles before submitting it!
Baseline English-Chinese translations - the goal of the assignment is to make these much better
WSJ trees are the trees that generate the translations.
Phrasedroid - a GF application at Google Play.
HSK, Chinese test with basic vocabulary.
WFWSE, word frequencies for written and spoken English.