GF compiler and PGF library source code browser

Here is the hyperlinked source code for the modules that are part of the main GF executable.

These pages where generated as a quick experiment, using the Programatica Haskell Tools. Some modules had to be modified to eliminate Haskell extensions not supported by the tools, e.g. bang patterns and pattern guards.

Modules by directory

Directory dist/build/autogen - supporting definitions generated by Cabal.

  1. DarcsVersion_gf

Directory src/binary/Data

  1. Data.Binary

Directory src/binary/Data/Binary

  1. Data.Binary.Builder
  2. Data.Binary.Get
  3. Data.Binary.IEEE754
  4. Data.Binary.Put

Directory src/compiler - Main directory for the GF grammar compiler library

  1. GF

Directory src/compiler/GF - GF grammar compiler and shell modules

  1. GF.Compile
  2. GF.CompileInParallel
  3. GF.CompileOne
  4. GF.Compiler
  5. GF.Grammar
  6. GF.Interactive
  7. GF.Main
  8. GF.Quiz
  9. GF.Server

Directory src/compiler/GF/Command

  1. GF.Command.Abstract
  2. GF.Command.Commands
  3. GF.Command.Importing
  4. GF.Command.Interpreter
  5. GF.Command.Messages
  6. GF.Command.Parse
  7. GF.Command.TreeOperations

Directory src/compiler/GF/Compile

  1. GF.Compile.CFGtoPGF
  2. GF.Compile.CheckGrammar
  3. GF.Compile.ConcreteToHaskell
  4. GF.Compile.ExampleBased
  5. GF.Compile.Export
  6. GF.Compile.GenerateBC
  7. GF.Compile.GeneratePMCFG
  8. GF.Compile.GetGrammar
  9. GF.Compile.GrammarToPGF
  10. GF.Compile.Multi
  11. GF.Compile.Optimize
  12. GF.Compile.PGFtoHaskell
  13. GF.Compile.PGFtoJS
  14. GF.Compile.PGFtoLProlog
  15. GF.Compile.PGFtoProlog
  16. GF.Compile.PGFtoPython
  17. GF.Compile.ReadFiles
  18. GF.Compile.Rename
  19. GF.Compile.SubExOpt
  20. GF.Compile.Tags
  21. GF.Compile.ToAPI
  22. GF.Compile.Update

Directory src/compiler/GF/Compile/Compute

  1. GF.Compile.Compute.ConcreteNew
  2. GF.Compile.Compute.ConcreteNew1
  3. GF.Compile.Compute.Predef
  4. GF.Compile.Compute.Value

Directory src/compiler/GF/Compile/TypeCheck

  1. GF.Compile.TypeCheck.Abstract
  2. GF.Compile.TypeCheck.ConcreteNew
  3. GF.Compile.TypeCheck.Primitives
  4. GF.Compile.TypeCheck.RConcrete
  5. GF.Compile.TypeCheck.TC

Directory src/compiler/GF/Data

  1. GF.Data.BacktrackM
  2. GF.Data.ErrM
  3. GF.Data.Graph
  4. GF.Data.Graphviz
  5. GF.Data.Operations
  6. GF.Data.Relation
  7. GF.Data.Str
  8. GF.Data.Utilities
  9. GF.Data.XML

Directory src/compiler/GF/Grammar

  1. GF.Grammar.Analyse
  2. GF.Grammar.Binary
  3. GF.Grammar.CFG
  4. GF.Grammar.EBNF
  5. GF.Grammar.Grammar
  6. GF.Grammar.Lexer
  7. GF.Grammar.Lockfield
  8. GF.Grammar.Lookup
  9. GF.Grammar.Macros
  10. GF.Grammar.MMacros
  11. GF.Grammar.Parser
  12. GF.Grammar.PatternMatch
  13. GF.Grammar.Predef
  14. GF.Grammar.Printer
  15. GF.Grammar.ShowTerm
  16. GF.Grammar.Unify
  17. GF.Grammar.Values

Directory src/compiler/GF/Infra

  1. GF.Infra.BuildInfo
  2. GF.Infra.CheckM
  3. GF.Infra.Concurrency
  4. GF.Infra.Dependencies
  5. GF.Infra.GetOpt
  6. GF.Infra.Ident
  7. GF.Infra.Location
  8. GF.Infra.Option
  9. GF.Infra.SIO
  10. GF.Infra.UseIO

Directory src/compiler/GF/JavaScript

  1. GF.JavaScript.AbsJS
  2. GF.JavaScript.PrintJS

Directory src/compiler/GF/Speech

  1. GF.Speech.CFGToFA
  2. GF.Speech.FiniteState
  3. GF.Speech.GSL
  4. GF.Speech.JSGF
  5. GF.Speech.PGFToCFG
  6. GF.Speech.PrRegExp
  7. GF.Speech.RegExp
  8. GF.Speech.SISR
  9. GF.Speech.SLF
  10. GF.Speech.SRG
  11. GF.Speech.SRGS_ABNF
  12. GF.Speech.SRGS_XML
  13. GF.Speech.VoiceXML

Directory src/compiler/GF/System

  1. GF.System.Catch
  2. GF.System.Console
  3. GF.System.Directory
  4. GF.System.NoSignal
  5. GF.System.Process
  6. GF.System.Signal

Directory src/compiler/GF/Text

  1. GF.Text.Clitics
  2. GF.Text.Coding
  3. GF.Text.Lexing
  4. GF.Text.Pretty
  5. GF.Text.Transliterations

Directory src/compiler/SimpleEditor

  1. SimpleEditor.Convert
  2. SimpleEditor.JSON
  3. SimpleEditor.Syntax

Directory src/example-based

  1. ExampleDemo
  2. ExampleService

Directory src/programs - Main module for the GF executable

  1. Main{-src/programs/gf-main.hs-}

Directory src/runtime/haskell - main directory for the PGF runtime library

  1. PGF

Directory src/runtime/haskell/PGF - PGF library modules

  1. PGF.Binary
  2. PGF.ByteCode
  3. PGF.CId
  4. PGF.Data
  5. PGF.Expr
  6. PGF.Forest
  7. PGF.Generate
  8. PGF.Internal
  9. PGF.Lexing
  10. PGF.Linearize
  11. PGF.Macros
  12. PGF.Morphology
  13. PGF.OldBinary
  14. PGF.Optimize
  15. PGF.Paraphrase
  16. PGF.Parse
  17. PGF.Printer
  18. PGF.Probabilistic
  19. PGF.Tokenizer
  20. PGF.Tree
  21. PGF.TrieMap
  22. PGF.Type
  23. PGF.TypeCheck
  24. PGF.Utilities
  25. PGF.VisualizeTree

Directory src/server - Main program and auxiliary modules for the PGF server

  1. Cache
  2. CGI
  3. CGIUtils
  4. PGFService
  5. RunHTTP
  6. URLEncoding

Directory src/server/transfer

  1. Fold
Thomas Hallgren