This document is a reference manual to the GF programming language. GF, Grammatical Framework, is a special-purpose programming language, designed to support definitions of grammars.
This document is not an introduction to GF; such introduction can be found in the GF tutorial available on line on the GF web page,
This manual covers only the language, not the GF compiler or interactive system. We will however make some references to different compiler versions, if they involve changes of behaviour having to do with the language specification.
This manual is meant to be fully compatible with GF version 3.0. Main discrepancies with version 2.8 are indicated, as well as with the reference article on GF,
A. Ranta, "Grammatical Framework. A Type Theoretical Grammar Formalism", The Journal of Functional Programming 14(2), 2004, pp. 145-189.
This article will referred to as "the JFP article".
As metalinguistic notation, we will use the symbols
GF is a typed functional language, borrowing many of its constructs from ML and Haskell: algebraic datatypes, higher-order functions, pattern matching. The module system bears resemblance to ML (functors) but also to object-oriented languages (inheritance). The type theory used in the abstract syntax part of GF is inherited from logical frameworks, in particular ALF ("Another Logical Framework"; in a sense, GF is Yet Another ALF). From ALF comes also the use of dependent types, including the use of explicit type variables instead of Hindley-Milner polymorphism.
The look and feel of GF is close to Java and C, due to the use of curly brackets and semicolons in structuring the code; the expression syntax, however, follows Haskell in using juxtaposition for function application and parentheses only for grouping.
To understand the constructs of GF, and especially their limitations in comparison to general-purpose programming languages, it is essential to keep in mind that GF is a special-purpose and non-turing-complete language. Every GF program is ultimately compiled to a multilingual grammar, which consists of an abstract syntax and a set of concrete syntaxes. The abstract syntax defines a system of syntax trees, and each concrete syntax defines a mapping from those syntax trees to nested tuples of strings and integers. This mapping is compositional, i.e. homomorphic, and moreover reversible: given a nested tuple, there exists an effective way of finding the set of syntax trees that map to this tuple. The procedure of applying the mapping to a tree to produce a tuple is called linearization, and the reverse search procedure is called parsing. It is ultimately the requirement of reversibility that restricts GF to be less than turing-complete. This is reflected in restrictions to recursion in concrete syntax. Tree formation in abstract syntax, however, is fully recursive.
Even though run-time GF grammars manipulate just nested tuples, at compile time these are represented by by the more fine-grained labelled records and finite functions over algebraic datatypes. This enables the programmer to write on a higher abstraction level, and also adds type distinctions and hence raises the level of checking of programs.
The big picture of GF as a programming language for multilingual grammars
explains its principal module structure. Any GF grammar must have an
abstract syntax module; it can in addition have any number of concrete
syntax modules matching that abstract syntax. Before going to details,
we give a simple example: a module defining the category A
of adjectives and one adjective-forming function, the zero-place function
. We give the module the name Adj
. The GF code for the
module looks as follows:
abstract Adj = { cat A ; fun Even : A ; }
Here are two concrete syntax modules, one intended for mapping the trees
to English, the other to Swedish. The mappling is defined by
definitions assigning a linearization type to each category,
and lin
definitions assigning a linearization to each function.
concrete AdjEng of Adj = { lincat A = {s : Str} ; lin Even = {s = "even"} ; } concrete AdjSwe of Adj = { lincat A = {s : AForm => Str} ; lin Even = {s = table { ASg Utr => "jämn" ; ASg Neutr => "jämnt" ; APl => "jämna" } } ; param AForm = ASg Gender | APl ; param Gender = Utr | Neutr ; }
These examples illustrate the main ideas of multilingual grammars:
is given a lincat
is given a lin
rules respect the types defined by lincat
and lin
The first two ideas form the core of the static checking of GF grammars, eliminating the possibility of run-time errors in linearization and parsing. The third idea gives GF the expressive power needed to map abstract syntax to vastly different languages.
Abstract and concrete modules are called top-level grammar modules, since they are the ones that remain in grammar systems at run time. However, in order to support modular grammar engineering, GF provides much more module structure than strictly required in top-level grammars.
Inheritance, also known as extension, means that a module can inherit the contents of one or more other modules to which new judgements are added, e.g.
abstract MoreAdj = Adj ** { fun Odd : A ; }
Resource modules define parameter types and operations usable in several concrete syntaxes,
resource MorphoFre = { param Number = Sg | Pl ; param Gender = Masc | Fem ; oper regA : Str -> {s : Gender => Number => Str} = \fin -> { s = table { Masc => table {Sg => fin ; Pl => fin + "s"} ; Fem => table {Sg => fin + "e" ; Pl => fin + "es"} } } ; }
By opening, a module can use the contents of a resource module without inheriting them, e.g.
concrete AdjFre of Adj = open MorphoFre in { lincat A = {s : Gender => Number => Str} ; lin Even = regA "pair" ; }
Interfaces and instances separate the contents of a resource module to type signatures and definitions, in a way analogous to abstract vs. concrete modules, e.g.
interface Lexicon = { oper Adjective : Type ; oper even_A : Adjective ; } instance LexiconEng of Lexicon = { oper Adjective = {s : Str} ; oper even_A = {s = "even"} ; }
Functors i.e. parametrized modules i.e. incomplete modules, defining a concrete syntax in terms of an interface.
incomplete concrete AdjI of Adj = open Lexicon in { lincat A = Adjective ; lin Even = even_A ; }
A functor can be instantiated by providing instances of its open interfaces.
concrete AdjEng of Adj = AdjI with (Lexicon = LexiconEng) ;
The compilation unit of GF source code is a file that contains a module.
Judgements outside modules are supported only for backward compatibility,
as explained here.
Every source file, suffixed .gf
, is compiled to a "GF object file",
suffixed .gfo
(as of GF Version 3.0 and later). For runtime grammar objects
used for parsing and linearization, a set of .gfo
files is linked to
a single file suffixed .pgf
. While .gf
and .gfo
files may contain
modules of any kinds, a .pgf
file always contains a multilingual grammar
with one abstract and a set of concrete syntaxes.
The following diagram summarizes the files involved in the compilation process. ...
module1.gfo module2.gfo ... modulen.gfo
and .gfo
files are written in the GF source language;
files are written in a lower-level format. The process of translating
to .gfo
consists of name resolution, type annotation,
partial evaluation, and optimization.
There is a great advantage in the possibility to do this
separately for GF modules and saving the result in .gfo
files. The partial
evaluation phase, in particular, is time and memory consuming, and GF libraries
are therefore distributed in .gfo
to make their use less arduous.
In GF before version 3.0, the object files are in a format called .gfc
and the multilingual runtime grammar is in a format called .gfcm
The standard compiler has a built-in make facility, which finds out what
other modules are needed when compiling an explicitly given module.
This facility builds a dependency graph and decides which of the involved
modules need recompilation (from .gf
to .gfo
), and for which the
GF object can be used directly.
Each module M defines a set of names, which are visible in M itself, in all modules extending M (unless excluded, as explained here), and all modules opening M. These names can stand for abstract syntax categories and functions, parameter types and parameter constructors, and operations. All these names live in the same name space, which means that a name entering a module more than once due to inheritance or opening can lead to a conflict. It is specified here how these conflicts are resolved.
The names of modules live in a name space separate from the other names. Even here, all names must be distinct in a set of files compiled to a multilingual grammar. In particular, even files residing in different directories must have different names, since GF has no notion of hierarchic module names.
Lexically, names belong to the class of identifiers. An idenfifier is
a letter followed by any number of letters, digits, undercores (_
) and
primes ('
). Upper- and lower-case letters are treated as distinct.
Nothing dictates the choice of upper or lower-case initials, but
the standard libraries follow conventions similar to Haskell:
"Letters" as mentioned in the identifier syntax include all 7-bit ASCII letters. Iso-latin-1 and Unicode letters are supported in varying degrees by different tools and platforms, and are hence not recommended in identifiers.
Modules of all types have the following structure:
extends opens body
Any of the parts extends, opens, and body may be empty. If they are all filled, delimiters and keywords separate the parts in the following way:
extends **
opens in
body }
or instance
: the name intrudes between
the type keyword and the name of the module being implemented and which
really belongs to the type of the module:
name of
incomplete concrete
name of
abstractname =
extends **
functorname with
instantiations **
opens in
body }
instantiations" should
really be one of the extends. This is also shown by the fact that
it can have restricted inheritance (concept defined here).
The extends and opens parts of a module header are lists of module names (with possible qualifications, as defined below here). The first step of type checking a module consists of verifying that these names stand for modules of approptiate module types. As a rule of thumb,
However, the precise rules are a little more fine-grained, because of the presence of interfaces and their instances, and the possibility to reuse abstract and concrete modules as resources. The following table gives, for all module types, the possible module types of their extends and opens, as well as the forms of judgement legal in that module type.
module type | extends | opens | body | |
abstract |
abstract | - | cat, fun, def, data |
concrete of abstract |
concrete | resource* | lincat, cat, oper, param |
resource |
resource* | resource* | oper, param |
interface |
resource+ | resource* | oper, param |
instance of interface |
resource* | resource* | oper, param |
incomplete concrete |
concrete+ | resource+ | lincat, cat, oper, param |
The table uses the following shorthands for lists of module types:
The legality of judgements in the body is checked before the judgements themselves are checked.
The forms of judgement are explained here.
Why are the legality conditions of opens and extends so complicated? The best way to grasp them is probably to consider a simplified logical model of the module system, replacing modules by types and functions. This model could actually be developed towards treating modules in GF as first-class objects; so far, however, this step has not been motivated by any practical needs.
module | object and type | |
abstract A = B | A = B : type | |
concrete C of A = B | C = B : A -> S | |
interface I = B | I = B : type | |
instance J of I = B | J = B : I | |
incomplete concrete C of A = open I in B | C = B : I -> A -> S | |
concrete K of A = C with (I=J) | K = B(J) : A -> S | |
resource R = B | R = B : I | |
concrete C of A = open R in B | C = B(R) : A -> S |
A further step of defining modules as first-class objects would use GADTs and record types:
of concrete syntax is the type of nested
tuples over strings and integers
Slightly unexpectedly, interfaces and instances are easier to understand in this way than resources - a resource is, indeed, more complex, since it fuses together an interface and an instance.
When an abstract is used as an interface and a concrete as its instance, they
are actually reinterpreted so that they match the model. Then the abstract is
no longer a GADT, but a system of abstract datatypes, with a record field
of type Type
for each category, and a function among these types for each
abstract syntax function. A concrete syntax instantiates this record with
linearization types and linearizations.
After checking that the extends of a module are of appropriate module types, the compiler adds the inherited judgements to the judgements included in the body. The inherited judgements are not copied entirely, but their names with links to the inherited module. Conflicts may arise in this process: a name can have two definitions in the combined pool of inherited and added judgements. Such a conflict is always an error: GF provides no way to redefine an inherited constant.
Simple as the definition of a conflict may sound, it has to take care of the
inheritance hierarchy. A very common pattern of inheritance is the
diamond: inheritance from two modules which themselves inherit a common
base module. Assume that the base module defines a name f
N / \ M1 M2 \ / Base {f}
Now, N
inherits f
from both M1
and M2
, so is there a
conflict? The answer in GF is no, because the "two" f
's are in the
end the same: the one defined in Base
. The situation is thus simpler
than in multiple inheritance in languages like C++, because definitions in
GF are immutable: neither M1
nor M2
can possibly have changed
the definition of f
given in Base
. In practice, the compiler manages
inheritance through hierarchy in a very simple way, by just always creating
a link not to the immediate parent, but the original ancestor; this ancestor
can be read from the link provided by the immediate parent. Here is how
links are created from source modules by the compiler:
Base {f} M1 {m1} ===> M1 {Base.f, m1} M2 {m2} ===> M2 {Base.f, m2} N {n} ===> N {Base.f, M1.m1, M2.m2, n}
Inheritance can be restricted. This means that a module can be specified
as inheriting only explicitly listed constants, or all constants
except ones explicitly listed. The syntax uses constant names in brackets,
prefixed by a minus sign in the case of an exclusion list. In the following
configuration, N inherits a,b,c
from M1
, and all names but d
from M2
N = M1 {a,b,c}, M2-{d}
Restrictions are performed as a part of inheritance linking, module by module:
the link is created for a constant if and only if it is both
included in the module and compatible with the restriction. Thus,
for instance, an inadvertent usage can exclude a constant from one module
but inherit it from another one. In the following
configuration, f
is inherited via M1
, if M1
inherits it.
N = M1 [a,b,c], M2-[f]
Unintended inheritance may cause problems later in compilation, in the
judgement-level dependency analysis phase. For instance, suppose a function
has category C
as its type in M
, and we only include f
. The
exclusion has the effect of creating an ill-formed module:
abstract M = {cat C ; fun f : C ;} M [f] ===> {fun f : C ;}
One might expect inheritance restriction to be transitive: if an included constant b depends on some other constant a, then a should be included automatically. However, this rule would leave to hard-to-detect inheritances. And it could only be applied later in the compilation phase, when the compiler has not only collected the names defined, but also resolved the names used in definitions.
Yet another pitfall with restricted inheritance is that it must be stated for each module separately. For instance, a concrete syntax of an abstract must exclude all those names that the abstract does, and a functor instantiation must replicate all restrictions of the functor.
Opening makes constants from other modules usable in judgements, without inheriting them. This means that, unlike inheritance, opening is not transitive.
Opening cannot be restricted as inheritance can, but it can be qualified.
This means that the names from the opened modules cannot be used as such, but
only as prefixed by a qualifier and a dot (.
). The qualifier can be any
identifier, including the name of the module. Here is an example of
an opens list:
open A, (X = XSLTS), (Y = XSLTS), B
If A
defines the constant a
, it can be accessed by the names
a A.a
defines the constant x
, it can be accessed by the names
X.x Y.x XSLTS.x
Thus qualification by real module name is always possible, and one and the same module can be qualified in different ways at the same time (the latter can be useful if you want to be able to change the implementations of some constants to a different resource later). Since the qualification with real module name is always possible, it is not possible to "swap" the names of modules locally:
open (A=B), (B=A) -- NOT POSSIBLE!
The list of qualifiers names and module names in a module header may thus not contain any duplicates.
Name resolution is the compiler phase taking place after inheritance linking. It qualifies all names occurring in the definition parts of judgements (that is, just excluding the defined names themselves) with the names of the modules they come from. If a name can come from different modules (that is, not from their common ancestor), a conflict is reported; this decision is hence not dependent on e.g. types, which are known only at a later phase.
Qualification of names is the main device for avoiding conflicts in name resolution. No other information is used, such as priorities between modules. However, if a name is defined in different opened modules but never used in the module body, a conflict does not arise: conflicts arise only when names are used. Also in this respect, opening is thus different from inheritance, where conflicts are checked independently of use.
As usual, inner scope has priority in name resolution. This means that if an identifier is in scope as a bound variable, it will not be interpreted as a constant, unless qualified by a module name (variable bindings are explained here).
We have dealt with the principles of module headers, inheritance, and names in a general way that applies to all module types. The exception is functor instantiations, that have an extra part of the instantiating equations, assigning an instance to every interface. Here is a typical example, displaying the full generality:
concrete FoodsEng of Foods = PhrasesEng ** FoodsI-[Pizza] with (Syntax = SyntaxEng), (LexFoods = LexFoodsEng) ** open SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng in { lin Pizza = mkCN (mkA "Italian") (mkN "pie") ; }
(The example is modified from Section 5.9 in the GF Tutorial.)
The instantiation syntax is similar to qualified opens. The left-hand-side
names must be interfaces, the right-hand-side names their instances. (Recall
that abstract
can be use as interface
and concrete
as its
.) Inheritance from the functor can be restricted, typically
in the purpose of defining some excluded functions in language-specific
ways in the module body.
(This section refers to the forms of judgement introduced here.)
A concrete
is complete with respect to an abstract
, if it
contains a lincat
definition for every cat
declaration, and
a lin
definition for every fun
The same completeness criterion applies to functor instantiations. It is not possible to use a partial functor instantiation, leading to another functor.
Functors do not need to be complete in the sense concrete modules need. The missing definitions can then be provided in the body of each functor instantiation.
A resource
is complete, if all its oper
and param
have a definition part. While a resource
must be complete, an
need not. For an interface
, it is the definition
parts of judgements are optional.
An instance
is complete with respect to an interface
, if it
gives the definition parts of all oper
and param
that are omitted in the interface
. Giving definitions to judgements
that have already been defined in the interface
is illegal.
Type signatures, on the other hand, can be repeated if the same types
are used.
In addition to completing the definitions in an interface
its instance may contain other judgements, but these must all
be complete with definitions.
Here is an example of an instance and its interface showing the above variations:
interface Pos = { param Case ; -- no definition param Number = Sg | Pl ; -- definition given oper Noun : Type = { -- relative definition given s : Number => Case => Str } ; oper regNoun : Str -> Noun ; -- no definition } instance PosEng of Pos = { param Case = Nom | Gen ; -- definition of Case -- Number and Noun inherited oper regNoun = \dog -> { -- type of regNoun inherited s = table { -- definition of regNoun Sg => table { Nom => dog -- etc } } ; oper house_N : Noun = -- new definition regNoun "house" ; }
A module body in GF is a set of judgements. Judgements are definitions or declarations, sometimes combinations of the two; the common feature is that every judgement introduces a name, which is available in the module and whenever the module is extended or opened.
There are several different forms of judgement, identified by different judgement keywords. Here is a list of all these forms, together with syntax descriptions and the types of modules in which each form can occur. The table moreover indicates whether the judgement has a default value, and whether it contributes to the name base, i.e. introduces a new name to the scope.
judgement | where | module | default | base | |
cat C G |
G context | abstract | N/A | yes | |
fun f : A |
A type | abstract | N/A | yes | |
def f ps = t |
f fun, ps patterns, t term | abstract | yes | no | |
data C = f | ... | g |
C cat, f...g fun | abstract | yes | no | |
lincat C = T |
C cat, T type | concrete* | yes | yes | |
lin f = t |
f fun, t term | concrete* | no | yes | |
lindef C = t |
C cat, t term | concrete* | yes | no | |
linref C = t |
C cat, t term | concrete* | yes | no | |
printname cat C = t |
C cat, t term | concrete* | yes | no | |
printname fun f = t |
f fun, t term | concrete* | yes | no | |
param P = C| ... | D |
C...D constructors | resource* | N/A | yes | |
oper f : T = t |
T type, t term | resource* | N/A | yes | |
flags o = v |
o flag, v value | all | yes | N/A |
Judgements that have default values are rarely used, except lincat
, which often need values different from the defaults.
Introducing a name twice in the same module is an error. In other words, all judgements that have a "yes" in the name base column, must have distinct identifiers on their left-hand sides.
All judgement end with semicolons (;
In addition to the syntax given in the table, many of the forms have syntactic sugar. This sugar will be explained below in connection to each form. There are moreover two kinds of syntactic sugar common to all forms:
keyw J ; K ;
=== keyw J ; keyw K ;
) and equality (=
can be shared, by using comma (,
) as separator of left-hand sides, which
must consist of identifiers
c,d : T
=== c : T ; d : T ;
c,d = t
=== c = t ; d = t ;
These conventions, like all syntactic sugar, are performed at an early compilation phase, directly after parsing. This means that e.g.
lin f,g = \x -> x ;
can be correct even though f
and g
required different
function types.
Within a module, judgements can occur in any order. In particular, a name can be used before it is introduced.
The explanations of judgement forms refer to the notions of type and term (the latter also called expression). These notions will be explained in detail here.
Category declarations
A context is a sequence of hypotheses, i.e. variable-type pairs. A hypothesis is written
x :
T )
x,y :
T )
=== (
x :
T )
y :
T )
T )
=== (
x :
T )
x :
T )
An abstract syntax has dependent types, if any of its categories has a non-empty context.
Function declarations,
f :
. Thus its form is
A1) ->
... ->
(xn :
An) ->
A syntax tree is formed from f by applying it to a full list of arguments, so that the result is of a basic type.
A higher-order function is one that has a function type as an argument. The concrete syntax of GF does not support displaying the bound variables of functions of higher than second order, but they are legal in abstract syntax.
An abstract syntax is context-free, if it has neither dependent types nor higher-order functions. Grammars with context-free abstract syntax are an important subclass of GF, with more limited complexity than full GF. Whether the concrete syntax is context-free in the sense of the Chomsky hierarchy is independent of the context-freeness of the abstract syntax.
Function definitions,
f p1 ... pn =
function and pi# are patterns,
impose a relation of definitional equality on abstract syntax
trees. They form the basis of computation, which is used
when comparing whether two types are equal; this notion is relevant
only if the types are dependent. Computation can also be used for
the normalization of syntax trees, which applies even in
context-free abstract syntax.
The set of def
definitions for f can be scattered around
the module in which f is introduced as a function. The compiler
builds the set of pattern equations in the order in which the
equations appear; this order is significant in the case of
overlapping patterns. All equations must appear in the same module in
which f itself declared.
The syntax of patterns will be specified here, commonly for abstract and concrete syntax. In abstract syntax, constructor patterns are those of the form
for some abstract syntax category
(see next section). A variable pattern is either an identifier or
a wildcard.
A common pitfall is to forget to declare a constructor as data, which causes it to be interpreted as a variable pattern in definitions.
Computation is performed by applying definitions and beta conversions, and in general by using pattern matching. Computation and pattern matching are explained commonly for abstract and concrete syntax here.
In contrast to concrete syntax, abstract syntax computation is completely symbolic: it does not produce a value, but just another term. Hence it is not an error to have incomplete systems of pattern equations for a function. In addition, the definitions can be recursive, which means that computation can fail to terminate; this can never happen in concrete syntax.
A data constructor definition,
C =
f1 |
... |
In order for the data constructor definition to be correct, f1...fn must be functions with C as their value category.
The complete set of constructors for a category C is the union of all its data constructor definitions. Thus a category can be "extended" by new constructors afterwards. However, all these constructor definitions must appear in the same module in which the category is itself defined.
There is syntactic sugar for declaring a function as a constructor at the same time as introducing it:
f : A1 ->
... ->
An ->
C t1 ... tm
f : A1 ->
... ->
An ->
C t1 ... tm ;
C = f
There are three possible statuses for a function declared in a fun
The "constructor" and "defined" statuses are in contradiction with each other, whereas the primitive notion status is overridden by any of the two others.
This distinction is relevant for the semantics of abstract syntax, not
for concrete syntax. It shows in the way patterns are treated in
equations in def
definitions: a constructor
in a pattern matches only itself, whereas
any other name is treated as a variable pattern, which matches
A linearization type definition,
C =
The type T must be a legal linearization type, which means that it is a record type whose fields have either parameter types, the type Str of strings, or table or record types of these. In particular, function types may not appear in T. A detailed explanation of types in concrete syntax will be given here.
If K is the concrete syntax of an abstract syntax A, then K must
define the linearization type of all categories declared in A. However,
the definition can be omitted from the source code, in which case the default
type {s : Str}
is used.
A linearization definition,
f =
The type of t must be the homomorphic image of the type of f. In other words, if
f :
A1 ->
... ->
An ->
f :
A1* ->
... ->
An* ->
C =
... ->
Bm ->
B)* = B* ** {$0,...,$m : Str}
The second case is relevant for higher-order functions only. It says that the linearization type of the value type is extended by adding a string field for each argument types; these fields store the variable symbol used for the binding of each variable.
Since the arguments of a function argument are treated as bare strings, orders higher than the second are irrelevant for concrete syntax.
There is syntactic sugar for binding the variables of the linearization of a function on the left-hand side:
f p =
t === lin
f = \
p ->
); this is
what the syntax of lambda abstracts (\p -> t
) requires.
A linearization default definition,
C =
Linearization defaults are invoked when linearizing variable bindings in higher-order abstract syntax. A variable symbol is then presented as a string, which must be converted to correct type in order for the linearization not to fail with an error.
The other use of the defaults is for linearizing metavariables
and abstract functions without linearization in the concrete syntax.
In the first case the default linearization is applied to
the string "?X"
where X
is the unique index
of the metavariable, and in the second case the string is
where f
is the name of the abstract
function with missing linearization.
Usually, linearization defaults are generated by using the default rule that "uses the symbol itself for every string, and the first value of the parameter type for every parameter". The precise definition is by structural recursion on the type:
\\_ =>
... ; r : R ; ...}
,s) = {
... ; r : default(R,s) ; ...}
The notion of the first value of a parameter type (#1(P)) is defined below.
A linearization reference definition,
C =
The reference linearization is always applied to the top-level node
of the abstract syntax tree. For example when we linearize the
tree f x1 x2 .. xn
, then we first apply f
to its arguments which gives us an object of the linearization type of
its category. After that we apply the reference linearization
for the same category to get a string out of the object. This
is particularly useful when the linearization type of C
contains discontious constituents. In this case usually the reference
linearization glues the constituents together to produce an
intuitive linearization string.
The reference linearization is also used for linearizing metavariables
which stand in function position. For example the tree
f (? x1 x2 .. xn)
is linearized as follows. Each
of the arguments x1 x2 .. xn
is linearized, and after that
the reference linearization of the its category is applied
to the output of the linearization. The result is a sequence of n
strings which are concatenated into a single string. The final string
is the input to the default linearization of the category
for the argument of f
. After applying the default linearization
we get an object that we could safely pass to f
Usually, linearization references are generated by using the rule that "picks the first string in the linearization type". The precise definition is by structural recursion on the type:
(Just o)
or Nothing
When we compute the reference for a table or a record then we pick
the reference for the first expression for which the recursive call
gives us Just
. If we get Nothing
all of them then the final result is Nothing
A category printname definition,
printname cat
C =
Likewise, a function printname definition,
printname fun
f =
The most common use of printnames is in the interactive syntax editor, where printnames are displayed in menus. It is possible e.g. to adapt them to each language, or to embed HTML tooltips in them (as is used in some HTML-based editor GUIs).
Usually, printnames are generated automatically from the symbol and/or concrete syntax information.
A parameter type definition,
P =
C1 G1 |
... |
Cn Gn
Contexts have the same syntax as in cat
judgements, explained
here. Since dependent types are not available in
parameter type definitions, the use of variables is never
necessary. The types in the context must themselves be parameter types,
which are defined as follows:
P ..., P is a parameter type.
n (an initial segment of integers) is a parameter type.
The names defined by a parameter type definition include both the type name P and the constructor names Ci. Therefore all these names must be distinct in a module.
A parameter type may not be recursive, i.e. P itself may not occur in the contexts of its constructors. This restriction extends to mutual recursion: we say that P depends on the types that occur in the contexts of its constructors and on all types that those types depend on, and state that P may not depend on itself.
In an interface module
, it is possible to declare a parameter type
without defining it,
P ;
All parameter types are finite, and the GF compiler will internally
compute them to lists of parameter values. These lists are formed by
traversing the param
definitions, usually respecting the
order of constructors in the source code. For records, bibliographical
sorting is applied. However, both the order of traversal of param
definitions and the order of fields in a record are specified
in a compiler-internal way, which means that the programmer should not
rely on any particular order.
The order of the list of parameter values can affect the program in two cases:
definition (here),
the first value is chosen
The first usage implies that, if lindef
definitions are essential for
the application, they should be given manually. The second usage implies that
course-of-value tables should be avoided in hand-written GF code.
In run-time grammar generation, all parameter values are translated to integers denotions positions in these parameter lists.
An operation definition,
h :
T =
As syntactic sugar, the type can be omitted,
h =
and the type is given in
the interface
It is also possible to give the type and the definition separately:
h :
T ; oper
h =
t ===
h :
T =
module for it to be complete (as defined here).
In an interface
module, it is enough to give the type.
When only the definition is given, it is possible to use a shorthand
similar to lin
h p =
t === oper
h =
p ->
Operation definitions may not be recursive, not even mutually recursive. This condition ensures that functions can in the end be eliminated from concrete syntax code (as explained here).
One and the same operation name h can be used for different operations, which have to have different types. For each call of h, the type checker selects one of these operations depending on what type is expected in the context of the call. The syntax of overloaded operation definitions is
= overload {
h : T1 = t1 ; ... ; h : Tn = tn}
: overload {
h : T1 ; ... ; h : Tn}
A flag definition,
o =
The flag o is an identifier, and the value v is either an identifier or a quoted string.
Flags are a kind of metadata, which do not strictly belong to the GF language. For instance, compilers do not necessarily check the consistency of flags, or the meaningfulness of their values. The inheritance of flags is not well-defined; the only certain rule is that flags set in the module body override the settings from inherited modules.
Here are some flags commonly included in grammars.
flag | value | description | module | |
coding |
character encoding | encoding used in string literals | concrete | |
lexer |
predefined lexer | lexer before parsing | concrete | |
startcat |
category | default target of parsing | abstract | |
unlexer |
predefined unlexer | unlexer after linearization | concrete |
The possible values of these flags are specified here.
Like many dependently typed languages, GF makes no syntactic distinction between expressions and types. An illegal use of a type as an expression or vice versa comes out as a type error. Whether a variable, for instance, stands for a type or an expression value, can only be resolved from its context of use.
One practical consequence of the common syntax is that global and local definitions
judgements and let
expressions, respectively) work in the same way
for types and expressions. Thus it is possible to abbreviate a type
occurring in a type expression:
let A = {s : Str ; b : Bool} in A -> A -> A
Type and other expressions have a system of precedences. The following table summarizes all expression forms, from the highest to the lowest precedence. Some expressions are moreover left- or right-associative.
prec | expression example | explanation | |
7 | c |
constant or variable | |
7 | Type |
the type of types | |
7 | PType |
the type of parameter types | |
7 | Str |
the type of strings/token lists | |
7 | "foo" |
string literal | |
7 | 123 |
integer literal | |
7 | 0.123 |
floating point literal | |
7 | ? |
metavariable | |
7 | [] |
empty token list | |
7 | [C a b] |
list category | |
7 | ["foo bar"] |
token list | |
7 | {"s : Str ; n : Num} |
record type | |
7 | {"s = "foo" ; n = Sg} |
record | |
7 | <Sg,Fem,Gen> |
tuple | |
7 | <n : Num> |
type-annotated expression | |
6 left | t.r |
projection or qualification | |
5 left | f a |
function application | |
5 | table {Sg => [] ; _ => "xs"} |
table | |
5 | table P [a ; b ; c] |
course-of-values table | |
5 | case n of {Sg => [] ; _ => "xs"} |
case expression | |
5 | variants {"color" ; "colour"} |
free variation | |
5 | pre {"a" ; "an"/vowel} |
prefix-dependent choice | |
4 left | t ! v |
table selection | |
4 left | A * B |
tuple type | |
4 left | R ** {b : Bool} |
record (type) extension | |
3 left | t + s |
token gluing | |
2 left | t ++ s |
token list concatenation | |
1 right | \x,y -> t |
function abstraction ("lambda") | |
1 right | \\x,y => t |
table abstraction | |
1 right | (x : A) -> B |
dependent function type | |
1 right | A -> B |
function type | |
1 right | P => T |
table type | |
1 right | let x = v in t |
local definition | |
1 | t where {x = v} |
local definition | |
1 | in M.C "foo" |
rule by example |
Any expression in parentheses ((
) is in the highest
precedence class.
The expression syntax is the same in abstract and concrete syntax, although only a part of the syntax is actually usable in well-typed expressions in abstract syntax. An abstract syntax is essentially used for defining a set of types and a set of functions between those types. Therefore it needs essentially the functional fragment of the syntax. This fragment comprises two kinds of types:
C (x1 : A1)...(xn : An), including the predefined
categories Int
, Float
, and String
explained here
B, where
When defining basic types, we used the notation t{x1 = t1,...,xn=tn} for the substitution of values to variables. This is a metalevel notation, which denotes a term that is formed by replacing the free occurrences of each variable xi by ti.
These types have six kinds of expressions:
f : A
x ->
b : (x : A) ->
B, where
, as introduced in intermediate phases of
incremental type checking; metavariables are not permitted
in GF source code
The notion of binding is defined for occurrences of variables in subexpressions as follows:
B, x is bound in B
x ->
b, x is bound in b
f p1 ... pn = t, any pattern variable introduced in
any pi is bound in t (as defined here)
As syntactic sugar, function types have sharing of types and suppression of variables, in the same way as contexts (defined here):
x,y :
A )
B ===
x :
A ) -> (
y :
A ) ->
A ) ->
B ===
x :
T ) ->
B === (
_ :
A ) ->
There is analogous syntactic sugar for constant functions,
_ ->
t === \
x ->
p,q ->
t === \
p ->
q ->
Among expressions, there is a relation of definitional equality defined by four conversion rules:
x ->
b = \
y ->
x ->
b) a = b{x=a}
f p1 ... pn = t
x ->
c x,
if c : (x : A) ->
Pattern matching substitution used in delta conversion is defined here.
An expression is in beta-eta-normal form if
Notice that the iteration of eta expansion would lead to an expression not in beta-normal form.
The syntax trees defined by an abstract syntax are well-typed expressions of basic types in beta-eta normal form. Linearization defined in concrete syntax applies to all and only these expressions.
There is also a direct definition of syntax trees, which does not refer to beta and eta conversions: keeping in mind that a type always has the form
... ->
(xn : An) ->
b : (x1 : A1) ->
... ->
(xn : An) ->
z1,...,zm ->
c where Ai is
... ->
(ym : Bm) ->
GF provides three predefined categories for abstract syntax, with predefined expressions:
category | expressions | |
Int |
integer literals, e.g. 123 |
Float |
floating point literals, e.g. 12.34 |
String |
string literals, e.g. "foo" |
These categories take no arguments, and they can be used as basic
types in the same way as if they were introduced in cat
However, it is not legal to define fun
functions that have any
of these types as value type: their only well-typed expressions are
literals as defined in the above table.
Concrete syntax is about defining mappings from abstract syntax trees to concrete syntax objects. These objects comprise
Thus functions are not concrete syntax objects; however, the mappings themselves are expressed as functions, and the source code of a concrete syntax can use functions under the condition that they can be eliminated from the final compiled grammar (which they can; this is one of the fundamental properties of compilation, as explained in more detail in the JFP article).
Concrete syntax thus has the same function types and expression forms as
abstract syntax, specified here. The basic types defined
by categories (cat
judgements) are available via grammar reuse
explained here; this also comprises the
predefined categories Float
and String
In abstract syntax, the conversion rules fiven here define a computational relation among expressions, but there is no separate notion of a value of computation: the value (the end point) of a computation chain is simply an expression to which no more conversions apply. In general, we are interested in expressions that satisfy the conditions of being syntax trees (as defined here), but there can be many computationally equivalent syntax trees which nonetheless are distinct syntax trees and hence have different linearizations. The main use of computation in abstract syntax is to compare types in dependent type checking.
In concrete syntax, the notion of values is central. At run time, we want to compute the values of linearizations; at compile time, we want to perform partial evaluation, which computes expressions as far as possible. To specify what happens in computation we therefore have to distinguish between canonical forms and other forms of expressions. The canonical forms are defined separately for each form of type, whereas the other forms may usually produce expressions of any type.
What is done at compile time is the elimination of any noncanonical forms, except for those depending on run-time variables. Run-time variables are the same as the argument variables of linearization rules, i.e. the variables x1,...,xn in
f = \
x1,...,xn ->
f :
(x1 : A1) ->
... ->
(xn : An) ->
Since certain expression forms should be eliminated in compilation but cannot be eliminated if run-time variables appear in them, errors can appear late in compilation. This is an issue with the following expression forms:
s + t
), defined here
The most prominent basic type is Str
, the type of token lists.
This type is often sloppily referred to as the type of strings;
but it should be kept in mind that the objects of Str
lists of strings rather than single strings.
Expressions of type Str
have the following canonical forms:
t, where s,t : Str
pre {
s ; s1 /
p1 ; ... ; sn /
pn}, where
For convenience, the notation is overloaded so that tokens are identified with singleton token lists, and there is no separate type of tokens (this is a change from the JFP article). The notion of a token is still important for compilation: all tokens introduced by the grammar must be known at compile time. This, in turn, is required by the parsing algorithms used for parsing with GF grammars.
In addition to string literals, tokens can be formed by a specific non-canonical operator:
t, where s,t : Str
Being noncanonical, gluing is equipped with a computation rule: string literals are glued by forming a new string literal, and empty token lists can be ignored:
"foo" + "bar"
==> "foobar"
+ []
==> t
[] +
t ==> t
Since tokens must be known at compile time, the operands of gluing may not depend on run-time variables, as defined here.
As syntactic sugar, token lists can be given as bracketed string literals, where spaces separate tokens:
["one two three"]
=== "one" ++ "two" ++ "three"
Notice that there are no empty tokens, but the expression []
can be used in a context requiring a token, in particular in gluing expression
below. Since []
denotes an empty token list, the following computation laws
are valid:
++ []
==> t
[] ++
t ==> t
Moreover, concatenation and gluing are associative:
(t +
u) ==> s +
t +
(t ++
u) ==> s ++
t ++
For the programmer, associativity and the empty token laws mean that the compiler can use them to simplify string expressions. It also means that these laws are respected in pattern matching on strings.
A prime example of prefix-dependent choice operation is the following approximative expression for the English indefinite article:
pre {"a" ; "an" / variants {"a" ; "e" ; "i" ; "o"}}
This expression can be computed in the context of a subsequent token:
pre {
s ; s1 /
p1 ; ... ; sn /
pn} ++
The matching prefix is defined by comparing the string with the prefix of the token. If the prefix is a variant list of strings, then it matches the token if any of the strings in the list matches it.
The computation rule can sometimes be applied at compile time, but it general, prefix-dependent choices need to be passed to the run-time grammar, because they are not given a subsequent token to compare with, or because the subsequent token depends on a run-time variable.
The prefix-dependent choice expression itself may not depend on run-time variables.
In GF prior to 3.0, a specific type Strs
is used for defining prefixes,
instead of just variants
of Str
A record is a collection of objects of possibly different types, accessible by projections from the record with labels pointing to these objects. A record is also itself an object, whose type is a record type. Record types have the form
r1 : A1 ;
... ;
rn : An }
r1 = a1 ;
... ;
rn = an }
, which has the object {}
, the empty record.
The fields of a record type are its parts of the form r : A, also called typings. The fields of a record are of the form r = a, also called value assignments. Value assignments may optionally indicate the type, as in r : A = a.
The order of fields in record types and records is insignificant: two record types (or records) are equal if they have the same fields, in any order, and a record is an object of a record type, if it has type-correct value assignments for all fields of the record type. The latter definition implies the even stronger principle of record subtyping: a record can have any type that has some subset of its fields. This principle is explained further here.
All fields in a record must have distinct labels. Thus it is not possible e.g. to "redefine" a field "later" in a record.
Lexically, labels are identifiers (defined here).
This is with the exception
of the labels selecting bound variables in the linearization of higher-order
abstract syntax, which have the form $
i for an integer i,
as specified here.
In source code, these labels should not appear in records fields,
but only in selections.
Labels occur only in syntactic positions where they cannot be confused with
constants or variables. Therefore it is safe to write, as in Prelude
ss : Str -> {s : Str} = \s -> {s = s} ;
A projection is an expression of the form
... ;
r = a ;
... }.
r ==> a
As syntactic sugar, types and values can be shared:
... ;
r,s : A ;
... }
... ;
r : A ;
s : A ;
... }
... ;
r,s = a ;
... }
... ;
r = a ;
s = a ;
... }
Another syntactic sugar are tuple types and tuples, which are translated
by endowing their unlabelled fields by the labels p1
, p2
,... in the
order of appearance of the fields:
... *
An ===
: A1 ;
... ;
: An }
a1 ,
... ,
an >
= a1;
... ;
= an }
A record extension is formed by adding fields to a record or a record type. The general syntax involves two expressions,
lin F x ... = x ** {r = ... x.r ...}where x is a record with many fields, just one of which is updated. Following the normal binding conditions, x.r on the right hand side still refers to the old value of the r field.
The possibility of having superfluous fields in a record forms the basis of the subtyping relation. That A is a subtype of B means that a : A implies a : B. This is clearly satisfied for records with superfluous fields:
** {
r : A }
is a subtype of R
The GF grammar compiler extends subtyping to function types by covariance and contravariance:
A is a subtype of C ->
C is a subtype of A ->
The logic of these rules is natural: if a function is returns a value in a subtype, then this value is a fortiori in the supertype. If a function is defined for some type, then it is a fortiori defined for any subtype.
In addition to the well-known principles of record subtyping and co- and contravariance, GF implements subtyping for initial segments of integers:
m is a subtype of Ints
n is a subtype of Integer
As the last rule, subtyping is transitive:
One of the most characteristic constructs of GF is tables, also called finite functions. That these functions are finite means that it is possible to finitely enumerate all argument-value pairs; this, in turn, is possible because the argument types are finite.
A table type has the form
Canonical expressions of table types are tables, of the form
V1 =>
t1 ; ... ; Vn =>
tn }
In addition to explicit enumerations, tables can be given by pattern matching,
p1 =>
t1 ; ... ; pm =>
A course-of-values table omits the patterns and just lists all values. It uses the enumeration of all values of the argument type P to pair the values with arguments:
P [
t1 ; ... ; tn]
The argument type can be indicated in ordinary tables as well, which is sometimes helpful for type inference:
P {
... }
The selection operator !
, applied to a table t and to an expression
v of its argument type
The GF compiler performs table expansion, i.e. an analogue of eta expansion defined here, where a table is applied to all values to its argument type:
T ==>
P [
t !
V1 ; ... ; t !
p =>
t === table {
p =>
t }
). Multiple bindings
can be abbreviated:
p,q =>
t === \\
p =>
q =>
e of {
=== table {
...} !
We will list all forms of patterns that can be used in table branches. We define their variable bindings and matching substitutions.
We start with the patterns available for all parameter types, as well
as for the types Integer
and Str
r1 =
p1 ;
... ;
rn =
pn }
binds the union of all variables bound in the subpatterns
It matches any value
r1 =
V1 ;
... ;
rn =
Vn ;
where each pi# matches Vi,
and the matching substitution is the union of these substitutions.
binds no variables.
It matches any value, with the empty substitution.
q binds the intersection of
the variables bound by p and q.
It matches anything that
either p or q matches, with the first substitution starting
with p matches, from which those
variables that are not bound by both patterns are removed.
p binds no variables.
It matches anything that p does not match, with the empty
p binds x and all the variables
bound by p. It matches any value V that p matches, with
the same substition extended by {x = V}.
The following patterns are only available for the type Str
, binds no variables.
It matches the same string, with the empty substitution.
binds the union of variables bound by p and q.
It matches any string that consists
of a prefix matching p and a suffix matching q,
with the union of substitutions corresponding to the first match (see below).
binds no variables.
It matches any string that can be decomposed
into strings that match p, with the empty substitution.
The following pattern is only available for the types Integer
and Ints
, binds no variables.
It matches the same integer, with
the empty substitution.
All patterns must be linear: the same pattern variable may occur only once in them. This is what makes it straightforward to speak about unions of binding sets and substitutions.
Pattern matching is performed in the order in which the branches appear in the source code: the branch of the first matching pattern is followed. In concrete syntax, the type checker reject sets of patterns that are not exhaustive, and warns for completely overshadowed patterns. It also checks the type correctness of patterns with respect to the argument type. In abstract syntax, only type correctness is checked, no exhaustiveness or overshadowing.
It follows from the definition of record pattern matching that it can utilize partial records: the branch
{g = Fem} => t
in a table of type {g : Gender ; n : Number} => T
means the same as
{g = Fem ; n = _} => t
Variables in regular expression patterns are always bound to the first match, which is the first in the sequence of binding lists. For example:
x + "e" + y
matches "peter"
with x = "p", y = "ter"
x + "er"*
matches "burgerer"
with x = "burg"
An expressions of the form
t1 ; ... ; tn}
variants {}
A common wisdom in linguistics is that "there is no free variation", which refers to the situation where all aspects are taken into account. For instance, the English negation contraction could be expressed as free variation,
variants {"don't" ; "do" ++ "not"}
if only semantics is taken into account, but if stylistic aspects are included, then the proper formulation might be with a parameter distinguishing between informal and formal style:
case style of {Informal => "don't" ; Formal => "do" ++ "not"}
Since there is not way to choose a particular element from a ``variants` list, free variants is normally not adequate in libraries, nor in grammars meant for natural language generation. In application grammars meant to parse user input, free variation is a way to avoid cluttering the abstract syntax with semantically insignificant distinctions and even to tolerate some grammatical errors.
Permitting variants
in all types involves a major modification of the
semantics of GF expressions. All computation rules have to be lifted to
deal with lists of expressions and values. For instance,
t1 ; ... ; tn}
t !
t1 ; ... ; t !
variants {{s = "Auto" ; g = Neutr} ; {s = "Wagen" ; g = Masc}}
is not the same as a record of variants,
{s = variants {"Auto" ; "Wagen"} ; g = variants {Neutr ; Masc}}
Variants of variants are flattened,
...; variants
t1 ;...; tn}
...; t1 ;...; tn ;...}
==> t
A local definition, i.e. a let expression has the form
x : T = t in
x : T = t in
e ==> e {x = t}
x = t in
x : T = t ;
y : U = u in
x : T = t in
y : U = u in
=== let
form, and can
also be optionally used in the let
Since a block of definitions is treated as syntactic sugar
for a nested let
expression, a constant must be defined before it
is used: the scope is not mutual, as in a module body.
Furthermore, unlike in lin
and oper
definitions, it is not possible
to bind variables on the left of the equality sign.
Fully compiled concrete syntax may not include expressions of function types
except on the outermost level of lin
rules, as defined here.
in the source code, and especially in oper
definitions, functions
are the main vehicle of code reuse and abstraction. Thus function types and
functions follow the same rules as in abstract syntax, as specified
here. In
particular, the application of a lambda abstract is computed by beta conversion.
To ensure the elimination of functions, GF uses a special computation rule for pushing function applications inside tables, since otherwise run-time variables could block their applications:
p1 =>
f1 ; ... ;
pn =>
fn }
e) a
p1 =>
f1 a ; ... ;
pn =>
fn a}
x of {_ =>
This section is valid for GF 3.0, which abandons the "lock field" discipline of GF 2.8.
As explained here, abstract syntax modules can be opened as interfaces and concrete syntaxes as their instances. This means that judgements are, as it were, translated in the following way:
C G ===> oper
C : Type
f : T ===> oper
f : T
C = T ===> oper
C : Type
= C
f = t ===> oper
f = t
Notice that the value T of lincat
definitions is not disclosed
in the translation. This means that the type C remains abstract: the
only ways of building an object of type C are the operations f
obtained from fun and lin rules.
The purpose of keeping linearization types abstract is to enforce
grammar checking via type checking. This means that any well-typed
operation application is also well-typed in the sense of the original
grammar. If the types were disclosed, then we could for instance easily
confuse all categories that have the linearization
type {s : Str}
. Yet another reason is that revealing the types
makes it impossible for the library programmers to change their type
definitions afterwards.
Library writers may occasionally want to have access to the values of linearization types. The way to make it possible is to add an extra construction operation to a module in which the linearization type is available:
oper MkC : T -> C = \x -> x
In object-oriented terms, the type C itself is protected, whereas MkC is a public constructor of C. Of course, it is possible to make these constructors overloaded (concept explained here), to enable easy access to special cases.
The following concrete syntax types are predefined:
, the type of tokens and token lists (defined here)
, the type of nonnegative integers
n, the type of integers from 0 to n
, the type of (concrete syntax) types
, the type of parameter types
The last two types are, in a way, extended by user-written grammars,
since new parameter types can be defined in the way shown here,
and every paramater type is also a type. From the point of view of the values
of expressions, however, a param
declaration does not extend
, since all parameter types get compiled to initial
segments of integers.
Notice the difference between the concrete syntax types
and Integer
on the one hand, and the abstract
syntax categories String
and Int
, on the other.
As concrete syntax types, the latter are treated in
the same way as any reused categories: their objects
can be formed by using syntax trees (string and integer
The type name Integer
replaces in GF 3.0 the name Int
to avoid confusion with the abstract syntax type and to be analogous
with the Str
vs. String
The following predefined operations are defined in the resource module
. Their implementations are defined as
a part of the GF grammar compiler.
operation | type | explanation | |
PBool |
PType |
PTrue | PFalse |
Error |
Type |
the empty type | |
Int |
Type |
the type of integers | |
Ints |
Integer -> Type |
the type of integers from 0 to n | |
error |
Str -> Error |
forms error message | |
length |
Str -> Int |
length of string | |
drop |
Integer -> Str -> Str |
drop prefix of length | |
take |
Integer -> Str -> Str |
take prefix of length | |
tk |
Integer -> Str -> Str |
drop suffix of length | |
dp |
Integer -> Str -> Str |
take suffix of length | |
eqInt |
Integer -> Integer -> PBool |
test if equal integers | |
lessInt |
Integer -> Integer -> PBool |
test order of integers | |
plus |
Integer -> Integer -> Integer |
add integers | |
eqStr |
Str -> Str -> PBool |
test if equal strings | |
occur |
Str -> Str -> PBool |
test if occurs as substring | |
occurs |
Str -> Str -> PBool |
test if any char occurs | |
show |
(P : Type) -> P -> Str |
convert param to string | |
read |
(P : Type) -> Str -> P |
convert string to param | |
toStr |
(L : Type) -> L -> Str |
find the "first" string | |
nonExist |
Str |
this is a special token marking non-existing morphological forms |
Str |
this is a special token marking that the surrounding tokens should not be separated by space |
Str |
this is a special token marking that the surrounding tokens may not be separated by space |
Compilation eliminates these operations, and they may therefore not take arguments that depend on run-time variables.
The module Predef
is included in the opens list of all
modules, and therefore does not need to be opened explicitly.
The flag coding
in concrete syntax sets the character encoding
used in the grammar. Internally, GF uses unicode, and .pgf
are always written in UTF8 encoding. The presence of the flag
prevents GF from encoding an already encoded
The flag lexer
in concrete syntax sets the lexer,
i.e. the processor that turns
strings into token lists sent to the parser. Some GF implementations
support the following lexers.
lexer | description | |
words |
(default) tokens are separated by spaces or newlines | |
literals |
like words, but integer and string literals recognized | |
chars |
each character is a token | |
code |
program code conventions (uses Haskell's lex) | |
text |
with conventions on punctuation and capital letters | |
codelit |
like code, but recognize literals (unknown words as strings) | |
textlit |
like text, but recognize literals (unknown words as strings) |
The flag startcat
in abstract syntax sets the default start category for
parsing, random generation, and any other grammar operation that depends
on category. Its legal values are the categories defined or inherited in
the abstract syntax.
The flag unlexer
in concrete syntax sets the lexer,
i.e. the processor that turns
token lists obrained from the linearizer to strings. Some GF implementations
support the following unlexers.
unlexer | description | |
unwords |
(default) space-separated token list | |
text |
format as text: punctuation, capitals, paragraph <p> | |
code |
format as code (spacing, indentation) | |
textlit |
like text, but remove string literal quotes | |
codelit |
like code, but remove string literal quotes | |
concat |
remove all spaces |
Compiler pragmas are a special form of comments prefixed with --#
Currently GF interprets the following pragmas.
pragma | explanation | |
-path= PATH |
path list for searching modules |
For instance, the line
--# -path=.:present:prelude:/home/aarne/GF/tmp
in the top of
causes the GF compiler, when invoked on
to search through the current directory (.
) and the directories
, prelude
, and /home/aarne/GF/tmp
, in this order.
If a directory DIR
is not found relative to the working directory,
is searched.
While the GF language as specified in this document is the most versatile and powerful way of writing GF grammars, there are several other formats that a GF compiler may make available for users, either to get started with small grammars or to semiautomatically convert grammars from other formats to GF. Here are the ones supported by GF 2.8 and 3.0.
Before GF compiler version 2.0, there was no module system, and all kinds of judgement could be written in all files, without any headers. This format is still available, and the compiler (version 2.8) detects automatically if a file is in the current or the old format. However, the old format is not recommended because of pure modularity and missing separate compilation, and also because libraries are not available, since the old and the new format cannot be mixed. With version 2.8, grammars in the old format can be converted to modular grammar with the command
> import -o
which rewrites the grammar divided into three files: an abstract, a concrete, and a resource module.
A quick way to write a GF grammar is to use the context-free format,
also known as BNF. Files of this form are recognized by the suffix
. Rules in these files have the form
Cat ::=
(String | Cat)* ;
There is a shortcut form generating labels automatically,
(String | Cat)* ;
) can be used to give
several right-hand-sides at a time. An empty right-hand side
means the singleton of an empty sequence, and not an empty union.
Just like old-style GF files (previous section), contex-free grammar
files can be converted to modular GF by using the -o
option to
the compiler in GF 2.8.
Extended BNF (FILE.ebnf
goes one step further from the shortcut notation of previous section.
The rules have the form
RHS item | explanation | |
Cat | nonterminal | |
String | terminal | |
RHS RHS | sequence | |
alternatives | |
RHS ? |
optional | |
RHS * |
repetition | |
RHS + |
non-empty repetition| |
Parentheses are used to override standard precedences, where
binds weaker than sequencing, which binds weaker than the unary operations.
The compiler generates not only labels, but also new categories corresponding to the regular expression combinations actually in use.
Just like .cf
files (previous section), .ebnf
files can be converted to modular GF by using the -o
option to
the compiler in GF 2.8.
Example-based grammars (.gfe
) provide a way to use
resource grammar libraries without having to know the names
of functions in them. The compiler works as a preprocessor,
saving the result in a (.gf
) file, which can be compiled
as usual.
If a library is implemented as an abstract and concrete syntax, it can be used for parsing. Calls of library functions can therefore be formed by parsing strings in the library. GF has an expression format for this,
C String
Here is an example, from GF/examples/animal/
--# -resource=../../lib/present/LangEng.gfc --# -path=.:present:prelude incomplete concrete QuestionsI of Questions = open Lang in { lincat Phrase = Phr ; Entity = N ; Action = V2 ; lin Who love_V2 man_N = in Phr "who loves men" ; Whom man_N love_V2 = in Phr "whom does the man love" ; Answer woman_N love_V2 man_N = in Phr "the woman loves men" ; }
The resource
pragma shows the grammar that is used for parsing
the examples.
Notice that the variables love_V2
, man_N
, etc, are
actually constants in the library. In the resulting rules, such as
lin Whom = \man_N -> \love_V2 -> PhrUtt NoPConj (UttQS (UseQCl TPres ASimul PPos (QuestSlash whoPl_IP (SlashV2 (DetCN (DetSg (SgQuant DefArt)NoOrd)(UseN man_N)) love_V2)))) NoVoc ;
those constants are nonetheless treated as variables, following the normal binding conventions, as stated here.
The following grammar is actually used in the parser of GF, although we have omitted some obsolete rules still included in the parser for backward compatibility reasons.
This document was automatically generated by the BNF-Converter. It was generated together with the lexer, the parser, and the abstract syntax module, which guarantees that the document matches with the implementation of the language (provided no hand-hacking has taken place).
Identifiers Ident are unquoted strings beginning with a letter,
followed by any combination of letters, digits, and the characters _ '
reserved words excluded.
Integer literals Integer are nonempty sequences of digits.
String literals String have the form
}, where x is any sequence of any characters
except "
unless preceded by \
Double-precision float literals Double have the structure
indicated by the regular expression digit+ '.' digit+ ('e' ('-')? digit+)?
two sequences of digits separated by a decimal point, optionally
followed by an unsigned or negative exponent.
The set of reserved words is the set of terminals appearing in the grammar. Those reserved words that consist of non-letter characters are called symbols, and they are treated in a different way from those that are similar to identifiers. The lexer follows rules familiar from languages like Haskell, C, and Java, including longest match and spacing conventions.
The reserved words used in GF are the following:
PType |
Str |
Strs |
Type |
abstract |
case |
cat |
concrete |
data |
def |
flags |
fun |
in |
incomplete |
instance |
interface |
let |
lin |
lincat |
lindef |
linref |
of |
open |
oper |
param |
pre |
printname |
resource |
strs |
table |
transfer |
variants |
where |
with |
The symbols used in GF are the following:
; | = | : | -> |
{ | } | ** | , |
( | ) | [ | ] |
- | . | | | ? |
< | > | @ | ! |
* | + | ++ | \ |
=> | _ | $ | / |
Single-line comments begin with --.Multiple-line comments are enclosed with {- and -}.
Non-terminals are enclosed between < and >. The symbols -> (production), | (union) and eps (empty rule) belong to the BNF notation. All other symbols are terminals.
Grammar | -> | [ModDef] |
[ModDef] | -> | eps |
| | ModDef [ModDef] | |
ModDef | -> | ModDef ; |
| | ComplMod ModType = ModBody |
ModType | -> | abstract Ident |
| | resource Ident |
| | interface Ident |
| | concrete Ident of Ident |
| | instance Ident of Ident |
| | transfer Ident : Open -> Open |
ModBody | -> | Extend Opens { [TopDef] } |
| | [Included] | |
| | Included with [Open] |
| | Included with [Open] ** Opens { [TopDef] } |
| | [Included] ** Included with [Open] |
| | [Included] ** Included with [Open] ** Opens { [TopDef] } |
[TopDef] | -> | eps |
| | TopDef [TopDef] | |
Extend | -> | [Included] ** |
| | eps | |
[Open] | -> | eps |
| | Open | |
| | Open , [Open] |
Opens | -> | eps |
| | open [Open] in |
Open | -> | Ident |
| | ( QualOpen Ident ) |
| | ( QualOpen Ident = Ident ) |
ComplMod | -> | eps |
| | incomplete |
QualOpen | -> | eps |
[Included] | -> | eps |
| | Included | |
| | Included , [Included] |
Included | -> | Ident |
| | Ident [ [Ident] ] |
| | Ident - [ [Ident] ] |
Def | -> | [Name] : Exp |
| | [Name] = Exp |
| | Name [Patt] = Exp |
| | [Name] : Exp = Exp |
TopDef | -> | cat [CatDef] |
| | fun [FunDef] |
| | data [FunDef] |
| | def [Def] |
| | data [DataDef] |
| | param [ParDef] |
| | oper [Def] |
| | lincat [PrintDef] |
| | lindef [Def] |
| | linref [Def] |
| | lin [Def] |
| | printname cat [PrintDef] |
| | printname fun [PrintDef] |
| | flags [FlagDef] |
CatDef | -> | Ident [DDecl] |
| | [ Ident [DDecl] ] |
| | [ Ident [DDecl] ] { Integer } |
FunDef | -> | [Ident] : Exp |
DataDef | -> | Ident = [DataConstr] |
DataConstr | -> | Ident |
| | Ident . Ident |
[DataConstr] | -> | eps |
| | DataConstr | |
| | DataConstr | [DataConstr] |
ParDef | -> | Ident = [ParConstr] |
| | Ident = ( in Ident ) |
| | Ident | |
ParConstr | -> | Ident [DDecl] |
PrintDef | -> | [Name] = Exp |
FlagDef | -> | Ident = Ident |
[Def] | -> | Def ; |
| | Def ; [Def] |
[CatDef] | -> | CatDef ; |
| | CatDef ; [CatDef] |
[FunDef] | -> | FunDef ; |
| | FunDef ; [FunDef] |
[DataDef] | -> | DataDef ; |
| | DataDef ; [DataDef] |
[ParDef] | -> | ParDef ; |
| | ParDef ; [ParDef] |
[PrintDef] | -> | PrintDef ; |
| | PrintDef ; [PrintDef] |
[FlagDef] | -> | FlagDef ; |
| | FlagDef ; [FlagDef] |
[ParConstr] | -> | eps |
| | ParConstr | |
| | ParConstr | [ParConstr] |
[Ident] | -> | Ident |
| | Ident , [Ident] |
Name | -> | Ident |
| | [ Ident ] |
[Name] | -> | Name |
| | Name , [Name] |
LocDef | -> | [Ident] : Exp |
| | [Ident] = Exp |
| | [Ident] : Exp = Exp |
[LocDef] | -> | eps |
| | LocDef | |
| | LocDef ; [LocDef] |
Exp6 | -> | Ident |
| | Sort | |
| | String | |
| | Integer | |
| | Double | |
| | ? |
| | [ ] |
| | data |
| | [ Ident Exps ] |
| | [ String ] |
| | { [LocDef] } |
| | < [TupleComp] > |
| | < Exp : Exp > |
| | ( Exp ) |
Exp5 | -> | Exp5 . Label |
| | Exp6 | |
Exp4 | -> | Exp4 Exp5 |
| | table { [Case] } |
| | table Exp6 { [Case] } |
| | table Exp6 [ [Exp] ] |
| | case Exp of { [Case] } |
| | variants { [Exp] } |
| | pre { Exp ; [Altern] } |
| | strs { [Exp] } |
| | Ident @ Exp6 |
| | Exp5 | |
Exp3 | -> | Exp3 ! Exp4 |
| | Exp3 * Exp4 |
| | Exp3 ** Exp4 |
| | Exp4 | |
Exp1 | -> | Exp2 + Exp1 |
| | Exp2 | |
Exp | -> | Exp1 ++ Exp |
| | \ [Bind] -> Exp |
| | \ \ [Bind] => Exp |
| | Decl -> Exp |
| | Exp3 => Exp |
| | let { [LocDef] } in Exp |
| | let [LocDef] in Exp |
| | Exp3 where { [LocDef] } |
| | in Exp5 String |
| | Exp1 | |
Exp2 | -> | Exp3 |
[Exp] | -> | eps |
| | Exp | |
| | Exp ; [Exp] |
Exps | -> | eps |
| | Exp6 Exps | |
Patt2 | -> | _ |
| | Ident | |
| | Ident . Ident |
| | Integer | |
| | Double | |
| | String | |
| | { [PattAss] } |
| | < [PattTupleComp] > |
| | ( Patt ) |
Patt1 | -> | Ident [Patt] |
| | Ident . Ident [Patt] |
| | Patt2 * |
| | Ident @ Patt2 |
| | - Patt2 |
| | Patt2 | |
Patt | -> | Patt | Patt1 |
| | Patt + Patt1 |
| | Patt1 | |
PattAss | -> | [Ident] = Patt |
Label | -> | Ident |
| | $ Integer |
Sort | -> | Type |
| | PType |
| | Str |
| | Strs |
[PattAss] | -> | eps |
| | PattAss | |
| | PattAss ; [PattAss] |
[Patt] | -> | Patt2 |
| | Patt2 [Patt] | |
Bind | -> | Ident |
| | _ |
[Bind] | -> | eps |
| | Bind | |
| | Bind , [Bind] |
Decl | -> | ( [Bind] : Exp ) |
| | Exp4 | |
TupleComp | -> | Exp |
PattTupleComp | -> | Patt |
[TupleComp] | -> | eps |
| | TupleComp | |
| | TupleComp , [TupleComp] |
[PattTupleComp] | -> | eps |
| | PattTupleComp | |
| | PattTupleComp , [PattTupleComp] |
Case | -> | Patt => Exp |
[Case] | -> | Case |
| | Case ; [Case] |
Altern | -> | Exp / Exp |
[Altern] | -> | eps |
| | Altern | |
| | Altern ; [Altern] |
DDecl | -> | ( [Bind] : Exp ) |
| | Exp6 | |
[DDecl] | -> | eps |
| | DDecl [DDecl] |