Aarne Ranta
This tutorial was given at LREC in Malta, 17 May 2010, and is an updated versions of the one used at the GF Summer School 2009. It was first presented on an on-line course in April 2009. The summer school in August 2009 had 30 participants from 20 countries. 15 new languages were started. Since that first summer school, the library has grown from 12 to over 30 languages.
The goal of this tutorial is to introduce a fast way to resource grammar writing, by explaining the practical use of GF and the linguistic concepts in the resource grammar library.
For more details, we recommend
The code examples in this tutorial are available at
We cannot stress enough the importance of your own work on the code examples and exercises using the GF system!
1. The GF system, simple multilingual grammars
2. Morphological paradigms and lexica
3. Building up a linguistic syntax
4. Using the Resource Grammar Library in applications
5. Developing a new resource grammar
What GF is
Installing the GF system
A grammar for John loves Mary in English, French, Latin, Dutch, Hebrew
Testing grammars and building applications
The scope of the Resource Grammar Library
GF is a grammar formalism: a notation for writing grammars
GF is a functional programming language with types and modules
GF programs are called grammars
A grammar is a declarative program that defines
Many languages related by a common abstract syntax
Interpreter for testing grammars (the GF shell)
Compiler for converting grammars to useful formats
Morphology and basic syntax
Common API for different languages
Currently (May 2010) 17 languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Interlingua, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu.
Under construction for at least 19 languages: Afrikaans, Amharic, Arabic, Baatonum, Esperanto, Farsi, Greek (Ancient), Hebrew, Icelandic, Japanese, Latin, Latvian, Maltese, Mongol, Portuguese, Swahili, Thai, Tswana, Turkish.
Natural language interfaces: WebALT, see
Dialogue systems: TALK, see www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bfaYHWS6zU
Translation: MOLTO, see www.molto-project.eu
PGF grammars can be embedded in Haskell, Java, and Prolog programs
They can be used in web servers
Go to the GF home page http://grammaticalframework.org and follow shortcuts to either
The Developers method is recommended for resource grammar developers:
The command gf
starts the GF shell:
$ gf
* * *
* *
* *
* * * * * * *
* * *
* * * * * *
* * *
* * *
This is GF version 3.1.6.
License: see help -license.
Bug reports: http://code.google.com/p/grammatical-framework/issues/list
Command h
= help
> help
gives a list of commands with short descriptions.
> help parse
gives detailed help on the command parse
Commands have both short (1 or 2 letters) and long names.
These are the simplest grammars usable in GF. Example:
Pred. S ::= NP VP ;
Compl. VP ::= V2 NP ;
John. NP ::= "John" ;
Mary. NP ::= "Mary" ;
Love. V2 ::= "loves" ;
The first item in each rule is a syntactic function, used for building trees: Pred
= predication, Compl
= complementation.
The second item is a category: S = Sentence, NP = Noun Phrase, VP = Verb Phrase, V2 = 2-place Verb.
Copy or write the above grammar in file zero.cf
To use a grammar in GF: import
= i
> i zero.cf
To parse a string to a tree: parse
= p
> p "John loves Mary"
Pred John (Compl Love Mary)
Parsing is, by default, in category S
. This can be overridden.
Generate a random tree: generate_random
= gr
> gr
Pred Mary (Compl Love Mary)
To linearize a tree to a string: linearize
= l
> l Pred Mary (Compl Love Mary)
Mary loves Mary
To pipe a command to another one: |
> gr | l
Mary loves Mary
In Mac:
> p "John loves Mary" | visualize_tree -view=open
In Ubuntu Linux:
> p "John loves Mary" | visualize_tree -view=oeg
You need the Graphviz program to see the view.
> p "John loves Mary" | visualize_parse -view=open
A context-free rule
Pred. S ::= NP VP
defines two things:
Pred np vp
np vp
The main idea of GF: separate these two things.
A context-free rule is converted to two judgements in GF:
, declaring a syntactic functionlin
, giving its linearization rule Pred. S ::= NP VP ===> fun Pred : NP -> VP -> S
lin Pred np vp = np ++ vp
Function type: A -> B -> C
, read "function from A
and B
to C
Function application: f a b
, read "f
applied to arguments a
and b
Concatenation: x ++ y
, read "string x
followed by string y
Cf. functional programming in Haskell.
Notice: in GF, ++
is between token lists and therefore "creates a space".
The grammar is divided to two modules
and fun
and lin
Judgement | reading |
cat C |
C is a category |
fun f : T |
f is a function of type T |
lincat C = L |
C has linearization type L |
lin f xs = t |
f xs has linearization t |
abstract Zero = {
S ; NP ; VP ; V2 ;
Pred : NP -> VP -> S ;
Compl : V2 -> NP -> VP ;
John, Mary : NP ;
Love : V2 ;
concrete ZeroEng of Zero = {
S, NP, VP, V2 = Str ;
Pred np vp = np ++ vp ;
Compl v2 np = v2 ++ np ;
John = "John" ;
Mary = "Mary" ;
Love = "loves" ;
Notice: Str
(token list, "string") as the only linearization type.
One abstract + many concretes
The same system of trees can be given
concrete ZeroFre of Zero = {
S, NP, VP, V2 = Str ;
Pred np vp = np ++ vp ;
Compl v2 np = v2 ++ np ;
John = "Jean" ;
Mary = "Marie" ;
Love = "aime" ;
Just use different words
Import many grammars with the same abstract syntax
> i ZeroEng.gf ZeroFre.gf
Languages: ZeroEng ZeroFre
Translation: pipe linearization to parsing
> p -lang=ZeroEng "John loves Mary" | l -lang=ZeroFre
Jean aime Marie
Multilingual generation: linearize into all languages
> gr | l
Pred Mary (Compl Love Mary)
Mary loves Mary
Marie aime Marie
Treebank: show both trees and their linearizations
> gr | l -treebank
Zero: Pred Mary (Compl Love Mary)
ZeroEng: Mary loves Mary
ZeroFre: Marie aime Marie
concrete ZeroLat of Zero = {
S, VP, V2 = Str ;
NP = Case => Str ;
Pred np vp = np ! Nom ++ vp ;
Compl v2 np = np ! Acc ++ v2 ;
John = table {Nom => "Ioannes" ; Acc => "Ioannem"} ;
Mary = table {Nom => "Maria" ; Acc => "Mariam"} ;
Love = "amat" ;
Case = Nom | Acc ;
Different word order (SOV), different linearization type, parameters.
Latin has cases: nominative for subject, accusative for object.
Parameter type for case (just 2 of Latin's 6 cases):
param Case = Nom | Acc
The linearization type of NP
is a table type: from Case
to Str
lincat NP = Case => Str
The linearization of John
is an inflection table,
lin John = table {Nom => "Ioannes" ; Acc => "Ioannem"}
When using an NP, select (!
) the appropriate case from the table,
Pred np vp = np ! Nom ++ vp
Compl v2 np = np ! Acc ++ v2
concrete ZeroDut of Zero = {
S, NP, VP = Str ;
V2 = {v : Str ; p : Str} ;
Pred np vp = np ++ vp ;
Compl v2 np = v2.v ++ np ++ v2.p ;
John = "Jan" ;
Mary = "Marie" ;
Love = {v = "heeft" ; p = "lief"} ;
The verb heeft lief is a discontinuous constituent.
The linearization type of V2
is a record type with two fields
lincat V2 = {v : Str ; p : Str}
The linearization of Love
is a record
lin Love = {v = "hat" ; p = "lieb"}
The values of fields are picked by projection (.
lin Compl v2 np = v2.v ++ np ++ v2.p
concrete ZeroHeb of Zero = {
flags coding=utf8 ;
S = Str ;
NP = {s : Str ; g : Gender} ;
VP, V2 = Gender => Str ;
Pred np vp = np.s ++ vp ! np.g ;
Compl v2 np = table {g => v2 ! g ++ "את" ++ np.s} ;
John = {s = "ג'ון" ; g = Masc} ;
Mary = {s = "מרי" ; g = Fem} ;
Love = table {Masc => "אוהב" ; Fem => "אוהבת"} ;
Gender = Masc | Fem ;
The verb agrees to the gender of the subject.
NP has gender as its inherent feature - a field in the record
lincat NP = {s : Str ; g : Gender}
lin Mary = {s = "mry" ; g = Fem}
VP has gender as its variable feature - an argument of a table
lincat VP = Gender => Str
In predication, the VP receives the gender of the NP
lin Pred np vp = np.s ++ vp ! np.g
Deciding on variable and inherent features is central in GF programming.
Good hint: dictionaries give forms of variable features and values of inherent ones.
Example: French nouns
From this we infer that French nouns have variable number and inherent gender
lincat N = {s : Number => Str ; g : Gender}
Link every word with its smallest spanning subtree
Replace every constructor function with its value category
In L1 and L2: link every word with its smallest spanning subtree
Delete the intervening tree, combining links directly from L1 to L2
Notice: in general, this gives phrase alignment
Notice: links can be crossing, phrases can be discontinuous
> parse "John loves Mary" | aw -view=open
Compile the grammar to PGF:
$ gf -make ZeroEng.gf ZeroFre.gf ZeroLat.gf ZeroGer.gf ZeroHeb.gf
The resulting file Zero.pgf
can be e.g. included in fridge magnets:
is a tiny fragment of the Resource Grammar
The current Resource Grammar has 80 categories, 200 syntactic functions, and a minimal lexicon of 500 words.
Even S, NP, VP, V2
will need richer linearization types.
The category S
has to take care of
Moreover: questions, imperatives, relative clauses
also involves
Moreover: common nouns, adjectives
1. Install gf
on your computer.
2. Learn and try out the commands align_words
, empty
, generate_random
, generate_trees
, help
, import
, linearize
, parse
, put_string
, quit
, read_file
, translation_quiz
, unicode_table
, visualize_parse
, visualize_tree
, write_file
3. Write a concrete syntax of Zero
for yet another language (e.g. your summer school project language).
4. Extend the Zero
grammar with ten new noun phrases and verbs.
5. Add to the Zero
grammar a category A
of adjectives and a function ComplA : A -> VP
, which forms verb phrases like is old.
Morphology, inflection, paradigm - example: English verbs
Regular patterns and smart paradigms
Overloaded operations
Inherent features in the lexicon
Building and bootstrapping a lexicon
Nonconcatenative morphology: Arabic
Inflectional morphology: define the different forms of words
Derivational morphology: tell how new words are formed from old words
We could do both in GF, but concentrate now on inflectional morphology.
Complete inflection system: 1-6 weeks
Comprehensive lexicon: days or weeks
Morphological analysis: up to 200,000 words per second
Export to SQL, XFST, ...
In abstract syntax: an object of a basic type, such as Love : V2
In concrete syntax,
Thus love, loves, loved are
Part of speech = word class = lexical category
In GF, a part of speech is defined as a cat
and its associated lincat
In GF, there is no formal difference between lexical and other cat
But in the resource grammar, we maintain a discipline of separate lexical categories.
cat |
name | example |
N |
noun | house |
A |
adjective | small |
V |
verb | sleep |
V2 |
two-place verb | love |
Adv |
adverb | today |
cat |
variable | inherent |
N |
number, case | gender |
A |
number, case, gender, degree | position |
V |
tense, number, person, ... | auxiliary |
V2 |
as V |
complement case |
Adv |
- | - |
Resource module with inflection functions as operations
resource MorphoEng = {oper regV : Str -> V ; ...}
Lexicon: abstract and concrete syntax
abstract Lex = {fun Walk : V ; ...}
concrete LexEng of Lex =
open MorphoEng in {lin Walk = regV "walk" ; ...}
The same resource can be used (open
ed) in many lexica.
Abstract and concrete are top-level - they define trees, parsing, linearization.
Resource modules and oper
s are not top-level - they are "thrown away" after compilation (i.e. not preserved in PGF).
Use the library module Prelude
Start by defining parameter types and parts of speech.
resource Morpho = open Prelude in {
VForm = VInf | VPres | VPast | VPastPart | VPresPart ;
Verb : Type = {s : VForm => Str} ;
Judgement form oper
: auxiliary operation.
To save writing and to abstract over the Verb
mkVerb : (_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \go,goes,went,gone,going -> {
s = table {
VInf => go ;
VPres => goes ;
VPast => went ;
VPastPart => gone ;
VPresPart => going
} ;
Import with retain
> i -retain Morpho.gf
Use command cc
= compute_concrete
> cc mkVerb "use" "uses" "used" "used" "using"
{s : Morpho.VForm => Str
= table Morpho.VForm {
Morpho.VInf => "use";
Morpho.VPres => "uses";
Morpho.VPast => "used";
Morpho.VPastPart => "used";
Morpho.VPresPart => "using"
A paradigm is an operation of type
Str -> Verb
which takes a string and returns an inflection table.
Let's first define the paradigm for regular verbs:
regVerb : Str -> Verb = \walk ->
mkVerb walk (walk + "s") (walk + "ed") (walk + "ed") (walk + "ing") ;
This will work for walk, interest, play.
It will not work for sing, kiss, use, cry, fly, stop.
For verbs ending with s, x, z, ch
s_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \kiss ->
mkVerb kiss (kiss + "es") (kiss + "ed") (kiss + "ed") (kiss + "ing") ;
For verbs ending with e
e_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \use ->
let us = init use
in mkVerb use (use + "s") (us + "ed") (us + "ed") (us + "ing") ;
c =
d in
from Prelude
, dropping the last characterFor verbs ending with y
y_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \cry ->
let cr = init cry
mkVerb cry (cr + "ies") (cr + "ied") (cr + "ied") (cry + "ing") ;
For verbs ending with ie
ie_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \die ->
let dy = Predef.tk 2 die + "y"
mkVerb die (die + "s") (die + "d") (die + "d") (dy + "ing") ;
If the infinitive ends with s, x, z, ch, choose s_regRerb
: munch, munches
If the infinitive ends with y, choose y_regRerb
: cry, cries, cried
If the infinitive ends with e, choose e_regVerb
: use, used, using
Let GF choose the paradigm by pattern matching on strings
smartVerb : Str -> Verb = \v -> case v of {
_ + ("s"|"z"|"x"|"ch") => s_regVerb v ;
_ + "ie" => ie_regVerb v ;
_ + "ee" => ee_regVerb v ;
_ + "e" => e_regVerb v ;
_ + ("a"|"e"|"o"|"u") + "y" => regVerb v ;
_ + "y" => y_regVerb v ;
_ => regVerb v
} ;
Format: case
string of {
pattern =>
value }
matches any string"ie"
splits into substrings: _ + "y"
matches alternatives: "a"|"e"|"o"
Common practice: last pattern a catch-all _
> cc -all smartVerb "munch"
munch munches munched munched munching
> cc -all smartVerb "die"
die dies died died dying
> cc -all smartVerb "agree"
agree agrees agreed agreed agreeing
> cc -all smartVerb "deploy"
deploy deploys deployed deployed deploying
> cc -all smartVerb "classify"
classify classifies classified classified classifying
Irregular verbs are obviously not covered
> cc -all smartVerb "sing"
sing sings singed singed singing
Neither are regular verbs with consonant duplication
> cc -all smartVerb "stop"
stop stops stoped stoped stoping
Use the Prelude function last
dupRegVerb : Str -> Verb = \stop ->
let stopp = stop + last stop
mkVerb stop (stop + "s") (stopp + "ed") (stopp + "ed") (stopp + "ing") ;
String pattern: relevant consonant preceded by a vowel
_ + ("a"|"e"|"i"|"o"|"u") + ("b"|"d"|"g"|"m"|"n"|"p"|"r"|"s"|"t")
=> dupRegVerb v ;
Now it works
> cc -all smartVerb "stop"
stop stops stopped stopped stopping
But what about
> cc -all smartVerb "coat"
coat coats coatted coatted coatting
Solution: a prior case for diphthongs before the last char (?
matches one char)
_ + ("ea"|"ee"|"ie"|"oa"|"oo"|"ou") + ? => regVerb v ;
Duplication depends on stress, which is not marked in English:
This means that we occasionally have to give more forms than one.
We knew this already for irregular verbs. And we cannot write patterns for each of them either, because e.g. lie can be both lie, lied, lied or lie, lay, lain.
Arguments: three forms instead of one.
Pattern matching done in regular verbs can be reused.
irregVerb : (_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \sing,sang,sung ->
let v = smartVerb sing
mkVerb sing (v.s ! VPres) sang sung (v.s ! VPresPart) ;
We have three functions:
smartVerb : Str -> Verb
irregVerb : Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb
mkVerb : Str -> Str -> Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb
As all types are different, we can use overloading and give them all the same name.
For documentation: variable names showing examples of arguments.
mkV = overload {
mkV : (cry : Str) -> Verb = smartVerb ;
mkV : (sing,sang,sung : Str) -> Verb = irregVerb ;
mkV : (go,goes,went,gone,going : Str) -> Verb = mkVerb ;
} ;
> cc -all mkV "lie"
lie lies lied lied lying
> cc -all mkV "lie" "lay" "lain"
lie lies lay lain lying
> cc -all mkV "omit"
omit omits omitted omitted omitting
> cc -all mkV "vomit"
vomit vomits vomitted vomitted vomitting
> cc -all mkV "vomit" "vomited" "vomited"
vomit vomits vomited vomited vomitting
> cc -all mkV "vomit" "vomits" "vomited" "vomited" "vomiting"
vomit vomits vomited vomited vomiting
Surely we could do better for vomit...
1. Linearization type, with parametric and inherent features.
2. Worst-case function.
3. The set of paradigms, traditionally taking one argument each.
4. Smart paradigms, with relevant numbers of arguments.
5. Overloaded user function, collecting the smart paradigms.
Usually recommended order:
1. Nouns, the simplest class.
2. Adjectives, often using noun inflection, adding gender and degree.
3. Verbs, usually the most complex class, using adjectives in participles.
Many operations are common to different parts of speech.
Example: adding an s to an English noun or verb.
add_s : Str -> Str = \v -> case v of {
_ + ("s"|"z"|"x"|"ch") => v + "es" ;
_ + ("a"|"e"|"o"|"u") + "y" => v + "s" ;
cr + "y" => cr + "ies" ;
_ => v + "s"
} ;
This should be defined separately, not directly in verb conjunctions.
Notice: pattern variable cr
matches like _
but gets bound.
Boringly, we need abstract and concrete modules even for one language.
abstract Lex = { concrete LexEng = open Morpho in {
cat V ; lincat V = Verb ;
fun lin
play_V : V ; play_V = mkV "play" ;
sleep_V : V ; sleep_V = mkV "sleep" "slept" "slept" ;
Fortunately, these modules can be mechnically generated from a POS-tagged word list
V play
V sleep slept slept
Alt 1. From a morphological POS-tagged word list: trivial
V play played played
V sleep slept slept
Alt 2. From a plain word list, POS-tagged: start assuming regularity, generate, correct, and add forms by iteration
V play ===> V play played played ===>
V sleep V sleep sleeped sleeped V sleep slept slept
Example: Finnish nouns need 1.42 forms in average (to generate 26 forms).
Semitic languages, e.g. Arabic: kataba has forms kaAtib, yaktubu, ...
Traditional analysis:
Example: yaktubu = ktb + yaFCuLu
Words are datastructures rather than strings!
Roots are records of strings.
Root : Type = {F,C,L : Str} ;
Patterns are functions from roots to strings.
Pattern : Type = Root -> Str ;
A special case is filling: a record of strings filling the four slots in a root.
Filling : Type = {F,FC,CL,L : Str} ;
This is enough for everything except middle consonant duplication (e.g. FaCCaLa).
A pattern obtained from a filling intertwines the records:
fill : Filling -> Pattern = \p,r ->
p.F + r.F + p.FC + r.C + p.CL + r.L + p.L ;
Middle consonant duplication also uses a filling but duplicates the C consonant of the root:
dfill : Filling -> Pattern = \p,r ->
p.F + r.F + p.FC + r.C + r.C + p.CL + r.L + p.L ;
This is just for the ease of programming and writing lexica.
F = first letter, C = second letter, L = the rest.
getRoot : Str -> Root = \s -> case s of {
F@? + C@? + L => {F = F ; C = C ; L = L} ;
_ => Predef.error ("cannot get root from" ++ s)
} ;
The as-pattern x@p
matches p
and binds x
The error function Predef.error
stops computation and displays the string. It is a typical catch-all value.
Patterns are coded by using the letters F
, C
, L
getPattern : Str -> Pattern = \s -> case s of {
F + "F" + FC + "CC" + CL + "L" + L =>
dfill {F = F ; FC = FC ; CL = CL ; L = L} ;
F + "F" + FC + "C" + CL + "L" + L =>
fill {F = F ; FC = FC ; CL = CL ; L = L} ;
_ => Predef.error ("cannot get pattern from" ++ s)
} ;
Dictionary entry: root + pattern.
getWord : Str -> Str -> Str = \r,p ->
getPattern p (getRoot r) ;
Now we can try:
> cc getWord "ktb" "yaFCuLu"
> cc getWord "ktb" "muFaCCiLu"
Inflection in tense, number, person, gender.
Number = Sg | Dl | Pl ;
Gender = Masc | Fem ;
Tense = Perf | Impf ;
Person = Per1 | Per2 | Per3 ;
But not in all combinations. For instance: no first person dual.
(We have omitted most tenses and moods.)
We use an algebraic datatype to include only the meaningful combinations.
param VPer =
Vp3 Number Gender
| Vp2Sg Gender
| Vp2Dl
| Vp2Pl Gender
| Vp1Sg
| Vp1Pl ;
oper Verb : Type = {s : Tense => VPer => Str} ;
Thus 2*(3*2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1) = 26 forms, not 2*3*2*3 = 36.
pattV_u : Tense -> VPer -> Pattern = \t,v -> getPattern (case t of {
Perf => case v of {
Vp3 Sg Masc => "FaCaLa" ;
Vp3 Sg Fem => "FaCaLato" ; -- o is the no-vowel sign ("sukun")
Vp3 Dl Masc => "FaCaLaA" ;
-- ...
} ;
Impf => case v of {
-- ...
Vp1Sg => "A?aFoCuLu" ;
Vp1Pl => "naFoCuLu"
}) ;
u_Verb : Str -> Verb = \s -> {
s = \\t,p => appPattern (getRoot s) (pattV_u t p)
} ;
Testing in the resource module:
> cc -all u_Verb "ktb"
kataba katabato katabaA katabataA katabuwA katabona katabota kataboti
katabotumaA katabotum katabotunv2a katabotu katabonaA yakotubu takotubu
yakotubaAni takotubaAni yakotubuwna yakotubna takotubu takotubiyna
takotubaAni takotubuwna takotubona A?akotubu nakotubu
Building a lexicon:
fun ktb_V : V ;
lin ktb_V = u_Verb "ktb" ;
We defined a HTML printing operation
oper verbTable : Verb -> Str
and used it in a special category Table
built by
fun Tab : V -> Table ;
lin Tab v = verbTable v ;
We then used
> l Tab ktb_V | ps -env=quotes -to_arabic | ps -to_html | wf -file=ara.html
> ! tr "\"" " " <ara.html >ar.html
1. Learn to use the commands compute_concrete
, morpho_analyse
, morpho_quiz
2. Try out some smart paradigms in the resource library files Paradigms
for some languages you know (or don't know yet). Use the command cc
for this.
3. Write a morphology implementation for some word class and some paradigms in your target language. Start with feature design and finish with a smart paradigm.
4. Bootstrap a GF lexicon (abstract + concrete) of 100 words in your target language.
5. (Recreational GF hacking.) Write an operation similar to verbTable
for printing nice inflection tables in HTML.
The key categories and rules
Morphology-syntax interface
Examples and variations in English, Italian, French, Finnish, Swedish, German, Hindi
A miniature resource grammar: Italian
Module extension and dependency graphs
Ergativity in Hindi/Urdu
Don't worry if the details of this lecture feel difficult! Syntax is difficult and this is why resource grammars are so useful!
"Linguistic ontology": syntactic structures common to languages
80 categories, 200 functions, which have worked for all resource languages so far
Sufficient for most purposes of expressing meaning: mathematics, technical documents, dialogue systems
Must be extended by language-specific rules to permit parsing of arbitrary text (ca. 10% more in English?)
A lot of work, easy to get wrong!
cat |
name | example |
Cl |
clause | every young man loves Mary |
VP |
verb phrase | loves Mary |
V2 |
two-place verb | loves |
NP |
noun phrase | every young man |
CN |
common noun | young man |
Det |
determiner | every |
AP |
adjectival phrase | young |
fun |
name | example |
PredVP : NP -> VP -> Cl |
predication | every man loves Mary |
ComplV2 : V2 -> NP -> VP |
complementation | loves Mary |
DetCN : Det -> CN -> NP |
determination | every man |
AdjCN : AP -> CN -> CN |
modification | young man |
cat |
variable | inherent |
Cl |
tense | - |
VP |
tense, agr | - |
V2 |
tense, agr | case |
NP |
case | agr |
CN |
number, case | gender |
Det |
gender, case | number |
AP |
gender, number, case | - |
agr = agreement features: gender, number, person
param Tense, Case, Agr
lincat Cl = {s : Tense => Str }
lincat NP = {s : Case => Str ; a : Agr}
lincat VP = {s : Tense => Agr => Str }
fun PredVP : NP -> VP -> Cl
lin PredVP np vp = {s = \\t => np.s ! subj ++ vp.s ! t ! np.a}
oper subj : Case
In general, combination rules just pass features: no case analysis (table
expressions) is performed.
A special notation is hence useful:
\\p,q => t === table {p => table {q => t}}
It is similar to lambda abstraction (\x,y -> t
in a function type).
np.agr | present | past | future |
Sg Per1 | I sleep | I slept | I will sleep |
Sg Per3 | she sleeps | she slept | she will sleep |
Pl Per1 | we sleep | we slept | we will sleep |
Italian ("I am tired", "she is tired", "we are tired")
np.agr | present | past | future |
Masc Sg Per1 | io sono stanco | io ero stanco | io sarò stanco |
Fem Sg Per3 | lei è stanca | lei era stanca | lei sarà stanca |
Fem Pl Per1 | noi siamo stanche | noi eravamo stanche | noi saremo stanche |
Word order:
Variable subject case:
lincat NP = {s : Case => Str ; a : Agr }
lincat VP = {s : Tense => Agr => Str }
lincat V2 = {s : Tense => Agr => Str ; c : Case}
fun ComplV2 : V2 -> NP -> VP
lin ComplV2 v2 vp = {s = \\t,a => v2.s ! t ! a ++ np.s ! v2.c}
v2.case | infinitive VP |
Acc | love me |
at + Acc | look at me |
v2.case | VP, infinitive | translation |
Accusative | tavata minut | "meet me" |
Partitive | rakastaa minua | "love me" |
Elative | pitää minusta | "like me" |
Genitive + perään | katsoa minun perääni | "look after me" |
Prepositions: a two-place verb usually involves a preposition in addition case
lincat V2 = {s : Tense => Agr => Str ; c : Case ; prep : Str}
lin ComplV2 v2 vp = {s = \\t,a => v2.s ! t ! a ++ v2.prep ++ np.s ! v2.c}
Clitics: the place of the subject can vary, as in Italian:
lincat NP = {s : Case => Str ; a : Agr }
lincat CN = {s : Number => Case => Str ; g : Gender}
lincat Det = {s : Gender => Case => Str ; n : Number}
fun DetCN : Det -> CN -> NP
lin DetCN det cn = {
s = \\c => det.s ! cn.g ! c ++ cn.s ! det.n ! c ;
a = agr cn.g det.n Per3
oper agr : Gender -> Number -> Person -> Agr
Det.num | NP |
Sg | every house |
Pl | these houses |
Italian ("this wine", "this pizza", "those pizzas")
Det.num | CN.gen | NP |
Sg | Masc | questo vino |
Sg | Fem | questa pizza |
Pl | Fem | quelle pizze |
Finnish ("every house", "these houses")
Det.num | NP, nominative | NP, inessive |
Sg | jokainen talo | jokaisessa talossa |
Pl | nämä talot | näissä taloissa |
Systamatic number variation:
"Zero" determiners:
Specificity parameter of nouns:
lincat AP = {s : Gender => Number => Case => Str }
lincat CN = {s : Number => Case => Str ; g : Gender}
fun AdjCN : AP -> CN -> CN
lin AdjCN ap cn = {
s = \\n,c => ap.s ! cn.g ! n ! c ++ cn.s ! n ! c ;
g = cn.g
CN, singular | CN, plural |
new house | new houses |
Italian ("red wine", "red house")
CN.gen | CN, singular | CN, plural |
Masc | vino rosso | vini rossi |
Fem | casa rossa | case rosse |
Finnish ("red house")
CN, sg, nominative | CN, sg, ablative | CN, pl, essive |
punainen talo | punaiselta talolta | punaisina taloina |
The place of the adjectival phrase
Specificity parameter of the adjective
To "get started" with each category, use words from lexicon.
There are lexical insertion functions for each lexical category:
UseN : N -> CN
UseA : A -> AP
UseV : V -> VP
The linearization rules are often trivial, because the lincat
s match
lin UseN n = n
lin UseA a = a
lin UseV v = v
However, for UseV
in particular, this will usually be more complex.
The inserted word is the head of the phrases built from it:
As a rule with many exceptions and modifications,
This works for endocentric phrases: the head has the same type as the full phrase.
In an NP
of form Det CN
, is Det
or CN
the head?
Neither, really, because features are passed in both directions:
lin DetCN det cn = {
s = \\c => det.s ! cn.g ! c ++ cn.s ! det.n ! c ;
a = agr cn.g det.n Per3
Moreover, this NP
is exocentric: no part is of the same type as the whole.
Structural words = function words, words with special grammatical functions
Often members of closed classes, which means that new words are never (or seldom) introduces to them.
Linearization types are often specific and inflection are irregular.
We divide it to five modules - much fewer than the full resource!
abstract Grammar -- syntactic cats and funs
abstract Lang = Grammar **... -- test lexicon added to Grammar
resource ResIta -- resource for Italian
concrete GrammarIta of Grammar = open ResIta in... -- Italian syntax
concrete LangIta of Lang = GrammarIta ** open ResIta in... -- It. lexicon
Module extension: N = M1, M2, M3 ** {...}
inherits all judgements from M1,M2,M3
Module opening: N = open R1, R2, R3 in {...}
can use all judgements from R1,R2,R3
(but doesn't inherit them)rectangle = abstract, solid ellipse = concrete, dashed ellipse = resource
Using the command dg
= dependency_graph
and graphviz
> i -retain LangIta.gf
> dependency_graph
wrote graph in file _gfdepgraph.dot
> ! dot -Tjpg _gfdepgraph.dot >testdep.jpg
Before calling dot
, removed the module Predef
to save space.
abstract Grammar = {
Cl ; NP ; VP ; AP ; CN ; Det ; N ; A ; V ; V2 ;
PredVP : NP -> VP -> Cl ;
ComplV2 : V2 -> NP -> VP ;
DetCN : Det -> CN -> NP ;
ModCN : CN -> AP -> CN ;
UseV : V -> VP ;
UseN : N -> CN ;
UseA : A -> AP ;
a_Det, the_Det : Det ; this_Det, these_Det : Det ;
i_NP, she_NP, we_NP : NP ;
Parameters are defined in ResIta.gf
. Just 11 of the 56 verb forms.
Number = Sg | Pl ;
Gender = Masc | Fem ;
Case = Nom | Acc | Dat ;
Aux = Avere | Essere ; -- the auxiliary verb of a verb
Tense = Pres | Perf ;
Person = Per1 | Per2 | Per3 ;
Agr = Ag Gender Number Person ;
VForm = VInf | VPres Number Person | VPart Gender Number ;
UseV arrive_V |
Pres | Perf |
Ag Masc Sg Per1 | arrivo | sono arrivato |
Ag Fem Sg Per1 | arrivo | sono arrivata |
Ag Masc Sg Per2 | arrivi | sei arrivato |
Ag Fem Sg Per2 | arrivi | sei arrivata |
Ag Masc Sg Per3 | arriva | è arrivato |
Ag Fem Sg Per3 | arriva | è arrivata |
Ag Masc Pl Per1 | arriviamo | siamo arrivati |
Ag Fem Pl Per1 | arriviamo | siamo arrivate |
Ag Masc Pl Per2 | arrivate | siete arrivati |
Ag Fem Pl Per2 | arrivate | siete arrivate |
Ag Masc Pl Per3 | arrivano | sono arrivati |
Ag Fem Pl Per3 | arrivano | sono arrivate |
arrive_V |
form |
VInf | arrivare |
VPres Sg Per1 | arrivo |
VPres Sg Per2 | arrivi |
VPres Sg Per3 | arriva |
VPres Pl Per1 | arriviamo |
VPres Pl Per2 | arrivate |
VPres Pl Per3 | arrivano |
VPart Masc Sg | arrivato |
VPart Fem Sg | arrivata |
VPart Masc Pl | arrivati |
VPart Fem Pl | arrivate |
Inherent feature: aux
is essere.
Lexical insertion maps V
to VP
Two possibilities for VP
: either close to Cl
lincat VP = {s : Tense => Agr => Str}
or close to V
, just adding a clitic and an object to verb,
lincat VP = {v : Verb ; clit : Str ; obj : Str} ;
We choose the latter. It is more efficient in parsing.
Lexical insertion is trivial.
lin UseV v = {v = v ; clit, obj = []}
Complementation assumes NP
has a clitic and an ordinary object part.
lin ComplV2 =
nps = np.s ! v2.c
in {
v = {s = v2.s ; aux = v2.aux} ;
clit = nps.clit ;
obj = nps.obj
Being clitic depends on case
lincat NP = {s : Case => {clit,obj : Str} ; a : Agr} ;
lin she_NP = {
s = table {
Nom => {clit = [] ; obj = "lei"} ;
Acc => {clit = "la" ; obj = []} ;
Dat => {clit = "le" ; obj = []}
} ;
a = Ag Fem Sg Per3
lin John_NP = {
s = table {
Nom | Acc => {clit = [] ; obj = "Giovanni"} ;
Dat => {clit = [] ; obj = "a Giovanni"}
} ;
a = Ag Fem Sg Per3
Use a feature instead of separate fields,
lincat NP = {s : Case => {s : Str ; isClit : Bool} ; a : Agr} ;
The use of separate fields is more efficient and scales up better to multiple clitic positions.
No surprises
lincat Det = {s : Gender => Case => Str ; n : Number} ;
lin DetCN det cn = {
s = \\c => {obj = det.s ! cn.g ! c ++ cn.s ! det.n ; clit = []} ;
a = Ag cn.g det.n Per3
} ;
Often from adjectives:
lin this_Det = adjDet (mkA "questo") Sg ;
lin these_Det = adjDet (mkA "questo") Pl ;
oper prepCase : Case -> Str = \c -> case c of {
Dat => "a" ;
_ => []
} ;
oper adjDet : Adj -> Number -> Determiner = \adj,n -> {
s = \\g,c => prepCase c ++ adj.s ! g ! n ;
n = n
} ;
Articles: see GrammarIta.gf
Recall the inherent feature for position
lincat AP = {s : Gender => Number => Str ; isPre : Bool} ;
lin ModCN cn ap = {
s = \\n => preOrPost ap.isPre (ap.s ! cn.g ! n) (cn.s ! n) ;
g = cn.g
} ;
Obviously, separate pre- and post- parts could be used instead.
Complex but mostly great fun:
regNoun : Str -> Noun = \vino -> case vino of {
fuo + c@("c"|"g") + "o" => mkNoun vino (fuo + c + "hi") Masc ;
ol + "io" => mkNoun vino (ol + "i") Masc ;
vin + "o" => mkNoun vino (vin + "i") Masc ;
cas + "a" => mkNoun vino (cas + "e") Fem ;
pan + "e" => mkNoun vino (pan + "i") Masc ;
_ => mkNoun vino vino Masc
} ;
See ResIta
for more details.
Place the object and the clitic, and select the verb form.
lin PredVP np vp =
subj = (np.s ! Nom).obj ;
obj = vp.obj ;
clit = vp.clit ;
verb = table {
Pres => agrV vp.v np.a ;
Perf => agrV (auxVerb vp.v.aux) np.a ++ agrPart vp.v np.a
in {
s = \\t => subj ++ clit ++ verb ! t ++ obj
} ;
We need it for the present tense
oper agrV : Verb -> Agr -> Str = \v,a -> case a of {
Ag _ n p => v.s ! VPres n p
} ;
The participle agrees to the subject, if the auxiliary is essere
oper agrPart : Verb -> Agr -> Str = \v,a -> case v.aux of {
Avere => v.s ! VPart Masc Sg ;
Essere => case a of {
Ag g n _ => v.s ! VPart g n
} ;
Full details of the core resource grammar are in ResIta
(150 loc) and GrammarIta
(80 loc).
One thing is not yet done correctly: agreement of participle to accusative clitic object: now it gives io la ho amato, and not io la ho amata.
This is left as an exercise!
Normally, the subject is nominative and the verb agrees to the subject.
However, in the perfective tense:
Example: "the boy/girl eats the apple/bread"
subj | obj | gen. present | perfective |
Masc | Masc | ladka: seb Ka:ta: hai | ladke ne seb Ka:ya: |
Masc | Fem | ladka: roTi: Ka:ta: hai | ladke ne roTi: Ka:yi: |
Fem | Masc | ladki: seb Ka:ti: hai | ladki: ne seb Ka:ya: |
Fem | Fem | ladki: roTi: Ka:ti: hai | ladki: ne roTi: Ka:yi: |
1. Learn the commands dependency_graph
, print_grammar
, system escape !
, and system pipe ?
2. Write tables of examples of the key syntactic functions for your target languages, trying to include all possible forms.
3. Implement Grammar
and Lang
for your target language.
4. Even if you don't know Italian, you may try this: add a parameter or something in GrammarIta
to implement the rule that the participle in the perfect tense agrees in gender and number with an accusative clitic. Test this with the sentences lei la ha amata and lei ci ha amati (where the current grammar now gives amato in both cases).
5. Learn some linguistics! My favourite book is Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics by John Lyons (Cambridge 1968, at least 14 editions).
Software libraries: programmer's vs. users view
Semantic vs. syntactic grammars
Example of semantic grammar and its implementation
Interfaces and parametrized modules
Free variation
Overview of the Resource Grammar API
Collections of reusable functions/types/classes
API = Application Programmer's Interface
Example: maps (lookup tables, hash maps) in Haskell, C++, Java, ...
type Map
lookup : key -> Map -> val
update : key -> val -> Map -> Map
Hidden: the definition of the type Map
and of the functions lookup
and update
Programmers have
Improvements and bug fixes can be inherited
Smart paradigms as API for morphology
mkN : (talo : Str) -> N
Abstract syntax as API for syntactic combinations
PredVP : NP -> VP -> Cl
ComplV2 : V2 -> NP -> VP
NumCN : Num -> CN -> NP
Task: in an email program, generate phrases saying you have n message(s)
Problem: avoid you have one messages
Solution: use the library
PredVP youSg_NP (ComplV2 have_V2 (NumCN two_Num (UseN (mkN "message"))))
===> you have two messages
PredVP youSg_NP (ComplV2 have_V2 (NumCN one_Num (UseN (mkN "message"))))
===> you have one message
Adapt the email program to Italian, Finnish, Arabic...
PredVP youSg_NP (ComplV2 have_V2 (NumCN two_Num (UseN (mkN "messaggio"))))
===> hai due messaggi
PredVP youSg_NP (ComplV2 have_V2 (NumCN two_Num (UseN (mkN "viesti"))))
===> sinulla on kaksi viestiä
PredVP youSg_NP (ComplV2 have_V2 (NumCN two_Num (UseN (mkN "risaAlat.u."))))
===> sinulla on kaksi viestiä
The new languages are more complex than English - but only internally, not on the API level!
(From "Implementation of the Arabic Numerals and their Syntax in GF" by Ali Dada, ACL workshop on Arabic, Prague 2007)
Grammars need very much very special knowledge, and a lot of work - thus an excellent topic for a software library!
Some applications where grammars have shown to be useful:
Application grammarians vs. resource grammarians
grammarian | applications | resources |
expertise | application domain | linguistics |
programming skills | programming in general | GF programming |
language skills | practical use | theoretical knowledge |
We want a division of labour.
Application grammars vs. resource grammars
grammar | application | resource |
abstract syntax | semantic | syntactic |
concrete syntax | using resource API | parameters, tables, records |
lexicon | idiomatic, technical | just for testing |
size | small or bigger | big |
A.k.a. semantic grammars vs. syntactic grammars.
Translation must preserve meaning.
It need not preserve syntactic structure.
Sometimes it is even impossible:
The abstract syntax in the semantic grammar is a logical predicate:
fun Like : Person -> Person -> Fact
lin Like x y = x ++ "likes" ++ y -- English
lin Like x y = y ++ "piace" ++ "a" ++ x -- Italian
To get all grammatical details right, we use resource grammar and not strings
lincat Person = NP ; Fact = Cl ;
lin Like x y = PredVP x (ComplV2 like_V2 y) -- Engligh
lin Like x y = PredVP y (ComplV2 piacere_V2 x) -- Italian
From syntactic point of view, we perform transfer, i.e. structure change.
GF has compile-time transfer, and uses interlingua (semantic abstrac syntax) at run time.
"Semantics of English", or of any other natural language as a whole, has never been built.
It is more feasible to have semantics of fragments - of small, well-understood parts of natural language.
Such languages are called domain languages, and their semantics, domain semantics.
Domain semantics = ontology in the Semantic Web terminology.
Expressed in various formal languages
GF abstract syntax can be used for any of these!
What messages can be expressed on the community page?
abstract Face = {
flags startcat = Message ;
Message ; Person ; Object ; Number ;
Have : Person -> Number -> Object -> Message ; -- p has n o's
Like : Person -> Object -> Message ; -- p likes o
You : Person ;
Friend, Invitation : Object ;
One, Two, Hundred : Number ;
Notice the startcat
flag, as the start category isn't S
In practice, the abstract syntax of Resource Grammar is inconvenient
We do the same as in morphology: overloaded operations, named mk
C where C is the value category.
The resource defines e.g.
mkCl : NP -> V2 -> NP -> Cl = \subj,verb,obj ->
PredVP subj (ComplV2 verb obj)
mkCl : NP -> V -> Cl = \subj,verb ->
PredVP subj (UseV verb)
These functions (some of which are structural words) are used.
Function | example |
mkCl : NP -> V2 -> NP -> Cl |
John loves Mary |
mkNP : Numeral -> CN -> NP |
five cars |
mkNP : Quant -> CN -> NP |
that car |
mkNP : Pron -> NP |
we |
mkCN : N -> CN |
car |
this_Quant : Quant |
this, these |
youSg_Pron : Pron |
you (singular) |
n1_Numeral, n2_Numeral : Numeral |
one, two |
n100_Numeral : Numeral |
one hundred |
have_V2 : V2 |
have |
How are messages expressed by using the library?
concrete FaceEng of Face = open SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng in {
Message = Cl ;
Person = NP ;
Object = CN ;
Number = Numeral ;
Have p n o = mkCl p have_V2 (mkNP n o) ;
Like p o = mkCl p like_V2 (mkNP this_Quant o) ;
You = mkNP youSg_Pron ;
Friend = mkCN friend_N ;
Invitation = mkCN invitation_N ;
One = n1_Numeral ;
Two = n2_Numeral ;
Hundred = n100_Numeral ;
like_V2 = mkV2 "like" ;
invitation_N = mkN "invitation" ;
friend_N = mkN "friend" ;
How are messages expressed by using the library?
concrete FaceFin of Face = open SyntaxFin, ParadigmsFin in {
Message = Cl ;
Person = NP ;
Object = CN ;
Number = Numeral ;
Have p n o = mkCl p have_V2 (mkNP n o) ;
Like p o = mkCl p like_V2 (mkNP this_Quant o) ;
You = mkNP youSg_Pron ;
Friend = mkCN friend_N ;
Invitation = mkCN invitation_N ;
One = n1_Numeral ;
Two = n2_Numeral ;
Hundred = n100_Numeral ;
like_V2 = mkV2 "pitää" elative ;
invitation_N = mkN "kutsu" ;
friend_N = mkN "ystävä" ;
English and Finnish: the same combination rules, only different words!
Can we avoid repetition of the lincat
and lin
code? Yes!
New module type: functor, a.k.a. incomplete or parametrized module
incomplete concrete FaceI of Face = open Syntax, LexFace in ...
A functor may open interfaces.
An interface has oper
declarations with just a type, no definition.
Here, Syntax
and LexFace
are interfaces.
is the Resource Grammar interface, and gives
Content words are not given in Syntax
, but in a domain lexicon
interface LexFace = open Syntax in {
like_V2 : V2 ;
invitation_N : N ;
friend_N : N ;
incomplete concrete FaceI of Face = open Syntax, LexFace in {
Message = Cl ;
Person = NP ;
Object = CN ;
Number = Numeral ;
Have p n o = mkCl p have_V2 (mkNP n o) ;
Like p o = mkCl p like_V2 (mkNP this_Quant o) ;
You = mkNP youSg_Pron ;
Friend = mkCN friend_N ;
Invitation = mkCN invitation_N ;
One = n1_Numeral ;
Two = n2_Numeral ;
Hundred = n100_Numeral ;
Define the domain words in English
instance LexFaceEng of LexFace = open SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng in {
like_V2 = mkV2 "like" ;
invitation_N = mkN "invitation" ;
friend_N = mkN "friend" ;
Instantiate the functor FaceI
by giving instances to its interfaces
--# -path=.:present
concrete FaceEng of Face = FaceI with
(Syntax = SyntaxEng),
(LexFace = LexFaceEng) ;
Also notice the domain search path.
1. Domain lexicon: use Finnish paradigms and words
instance LexFaceFin of LexFace = open SyntaxFin, ParadigmsFin in {
like_V2 = mkV2 (mkV "pitää") elative ;
invitation_N = mkN "kutsu" ;
friend_N = mkN "ystävä" ;
2. Functor instantiation: mechanically change Eng
to Fin
--# -path=.:present
concrete FaceFin of Face = FaceI with
(Syntax = SyntaxFin),
(LexFace = LexFaceFin) ;
1. Abstract syntax, Face
2. Parametrized concrete syntax: FaceI
3. Domain lexicon interface: LexFace
4. For each language L: domain lexicon instance LexFace
5. For each language L: concrete syntax instantiation Face
red = to do, orange = to do (trivial), blue = to do (once), green = library
1. Domain lexicon: use Italian paradigms and words
instance LexFaceIta of LexFace = open SyntaxIta, ParadigmsIta in {
like_V2 = mkV2 (mkV (piacere_64 "piacere")) dative ;
invitation_N = mkN "invito" ;
friend_N = mkN "amico" ;
2. Functor instantiation: restricted inheritance, excluding Like
concrete FaceIta of Face = FaceI - [Like] with
(Syntax = SyntaxIta),
(LexFace = LexFaceIta) ** open SyntaxIta in {
lin Like p o =
mkCl (mkNP this_Quant o) like_V2 p ;
There can be many ways of expressing a given semantic structure.
This can be expressed by the variant operator |
fun BuyTicket : City -> City -> Request
lin BuyTicket x y =
(("I want" ++ ((("to buy" | []) ++ ("a ticket")) | "to go"))
(("can you" | [] ) ++ "give me" ++ "a ticket")
[]) ++
"from" ++ x ++ "to" ++y
The variants can of course be resource grammar expressions as well.
For the full story, see the resource grammar synopsis in
Main division:
, common to all languagesParadigms
L, specific to language LCategory | Explanation | Example |
Text |
sequence of utterances | Does John walk? Yes. |
Utt |
utterance | does John walk |
Imp |
imperative | don't walk |
S |
sencence (fixed tense) | John wouldn't walk |
QS |
question sentence | who hasn't walked |
Cl |
clause (variable tense) | John walks |
QCl |
question clause | who doesn't walk |
VP |
verb phrase | love her |
AP |
adjectival phrase | very young |
CN |
common noun phrase | young man |
Adv |
adverbial phrase | in the house |
Cat | Explanation | Compl | Example |
A |
one-place adjective | - | smart |
A2 |
two-place adjective | NP |
married (to her) |
Adv |
adverb | - | here |
N |
common noun | - | man |
N2 |
relational noun | NP |
friend (of John) |
NP |
noun phrase | - | the boss |
V |
one-place verb | - | sleep |
V2 |
two-place verb | NP |
love (her) |
V3 |
three-place verb | NP , NP |
show (it to me) |
VS |
sentence-complement verb | S |
say (that I run) |
VV |
verb-complement verb | VP |
want (to run) |
Fun | Type | Example |
mkCl |
NP -> V -> Cl |
John walks |
mkCl |
NP -> V2 -> NP -> Cl |
John loves her |
mkCl |
NP -> V3 -> NP -> NP -> Cl |
John sends it to her |
mkCl |
NP -> VV -> VP -> Cl |
John wants to walk |
mkCl |
NP -> VS -> S -> Cl |
John says that it is good |
mkCl |
NP -> A -> Cl |
John is old |
mkCl |
NP -> A -> NP -> Cl |
John is older than Mary |
mkCl |
NP -> A2 -> NP -> Cl |
John is married to her |
mkCl |
NP -> AP -> Cl |
John is very old |
mkCl |
NP -> N -> Cl |
John is a man |
mkCl |
NP -> CN -> Cl |
John is an old man |
mkCl |
NP -> NP -> Cl |
John is the man |
mkCl |
NP -> Adv -> Cl |
John is here |
Fun | Type | Example |
mkNP |
Quant -> CN -> NP |
this man |
mkNP |
Numeral -> CN -> NP |
five men |
mkNP |
PN -> NP |
John |
mkNP |
Pron -> NP |
we |
mkNP |
Quant -> Num -> CN -> NP |
these (five) man |
mkCN |
N -> CN |
man |
mkCN |
A -> N -> CN |
old man |
mkCN |
AP -> CN -> CN |
very old Chinese man |
mkNum |
Numeral -> Num |
five |
n100_Numeral |
Numeral |
one hundred |
plNum |
Num |
(plural) |
Fun | Type | Example |
mkQCl |
Cl -> QCl |
does John walk |
mkQCl |
IP -> V -> QCl |
who walks |
mkQCl |
IP -> V2 -> NP -> QCl |
who loves her |
mkQCl |
IP -> NP -> V2 -> QCl |
whom does she love |
mkQCl |
IP -> AP -> QCl |
who is old |
mkQCl |
IP -> NP -> QCl |
who is the boss |
mkQCl |
IP -> Adv -> QCl |
who is here |
mkQCl |
IAdv -> Cl -> QCl |
where does John walk |
mkIP |
CN -> IP |
which car |
who_IP |
IP |
who |
why_IAdv |
IAdv |
why |
where_IAdv |
IAdv |
where |
Fun | Type | Example |
mkS |
Cl -> S |
he walks |
mkS |
(Tense)->(Ant)->(Pol)->Cl -> S |
he wouldn't have walked |
mkQS |
QCl -> QS |
does he walk |
mkQS |
(Tense)->(Ant)->(Pol)->QCl -> QS |
wouldn't he have walked |
Function | Type | Example |
conditionalTense |
Tense |
(he would walk) |
futureTense |
Tense |
(he will walk) |
pastTense |
Tense |
(he walked) |
presentTense |
Tense |
(he walks) [default] |
anteriorAnt |
Ant |
(he has walked) |
negativePol |
Pol |
(he doesn't walk) |
Fun | Type | Example |
mkUtt |
Cl -> Utt |
he walks |
mkUtt |
S -> Utt |
he didn't walk |
mkUtt |
QS -> Utt |
who didn't walk |
mkUtt |
Imp -> Utt |
walk |
mkImp |
V -> Imp |
walk |
mkImp |
V2 -> NP -> Imp |
find it |
mkImp |
AP -> Imp |
be brave |
Texts: Who walks? John. Where? Here!
Relative clauses: man who owns a donkey
Adverbs: in the house
Subjunction: if a man owns a donkey
Coordination: John and Mary are English or American
1. Compile and make available the resource grammar library, latest version. Compilation is by make
in GF/lib/src
. Make it available by setting GF_LIB_PATH
to GF/lib
2. Compile and test the grammars face/Face
L (available in course source files).
3. Write a concrete syntax of Face
for some other resource language by adding a domain lexicon and a functor instantiation.
4. Add functions to Face
and write their concrete syntax for at least some language.
5. Design your own domain grammar and implement it for some languages.
Module structure
How to start building a new language
How to test a resource grammar
The Assignment
solid = API, dashed = internal, ellipse = abstract+concrete, rectangle = resource/instance, diamond = interface, green = given, blue = mechanical, red = to do
Written by the resource grammarian:
to Verb
and Lexicon
, Irreg
Already given or derived mechanically:
, Irreg
, Grammar
, Lang
, All
, Syntax
, Try
: syntactic combinations and structural words
: morphological paradigms
: (almost) everything put together
: syntactic combinations only
: irregularly inflected words (mostly verbs)
: common syntax and lexicon
: common grammar plus language-dependent extensions
: common syntax
: lexicon of structural words
: test lexicon of 300 content words
: the common type system
: concrete syntax mostly common to languages
module | scope | value categories |
Adjective |
adjectives | AP |
Adverb |
adverbial phrases | AdN, Adv |
Conjunction |
coordination | Adv, AP, NP, RS, S |
Idiom |
idiomatic expressions | Cl, QCl, VP, Utt |
Noun |
noun phrases and nouns | Card, CN, Det, NP, Num, Ord |
Numeral |
cardinals and ordinals | Digit, Numeral |
Phrase |
suprasentential phrases | PConj, Phr, Utt, Voc |
Question |
questions and interrogatives | IAdv, IComp, IDet, IP, QCl |
Relative |
relat. clauses and pronouns | RCl, RP |
Sentence |
clauses and sentences | Cl, Imp, QS, RS, S, SC, SSlash |
Text |
many-phrase texts | Text |
Verb |
verb phrases | Comp, VP, VPSlash |
Producers: each phrase category module is the producer of value categories listed on previous slide.
Consumers: all modules may use any categories as argument types.
Contract: the module Cat
defines the type system common for both consumers and producers.
Different grammarians may safely work on different producers.
This works even for mutual dependencies of categories:
Sentence.UseCl : Temp -> Pol -> Cl -> S -- S uses Cl
Sentence.PredVP : VP -> NP -> Cl -- uses VP
Verb.ComplVS : VS -> S -> VP -- uses S
modules provided by the library:
and Predef
: string operations, booleansCoordination
: generic formation of list conjunctionsParamX
: commonly used parameter, such as Number = Sg | Pl
modules up to the grammarian to write:
: language specific parameter types, morphology, VP formationMorpho
, Phono
,...: possible division of Res
to more modulesMost phrase category modules:
concrete VerbGer of Verb = CatGer ** open ResGer, Prelude in ...
concrete ConjunctionGer of Conjunction = CatGer **
open Coordination, ResGer, Prelude in ...
concrete LexiconGer of Lexicon = CatGer **
open ParadigmsGer, IrregGer in {
The Golden Rule: Whenever you find yourself programming by copy and paste, write a function instead!
Repetition inside one definition: use a let
Repetition inside one module: define an oper
in the same module
Repetition in many modules: define an oper
in the Res
Used in families of languages
, a common resource for the familyDiff
, a minimal interface extended by interface Res
and phrase structure modules are functors over Res
, Structural
, Lexicon
, Paradigms
are ordinary modulesWords and morphology are of course different, in ways we haven't tried to formalize.
In syntax, there are just eight parameters that fundamentally make the difference:
Prepositions that fuse with the article (Fre, Spa de, a; Ita also con, da, in, su).
param Prepos ;
Which types of verbs exist, in terms of auxiliaries. (Fre, Ita avoir, être, and refl; Spa only haber and refl).
param VType ;
Derivatively, if/when the participle agrees to the subject. (Fre elle est partie, Ita lei è partita, Spa not)
oper partAgr : VType -> VPAgr ;
Whether participle agrees to foregoing clitic. (Fre je l'ai vue, Spa yo la he visto)
oper vpAgrClit : Agr -> VPAgr ;
Whether a preposition is repeated in conjunction (Fre la somme de 3 et de 4, Ita la somma di 3 e 4).
oper conjunctCase : NPForm -> NPForm ;
How infinitives and clitics are placed relative to each other (Fre la voir, Ita vederla). The Bool
is used for indicating if there are any clitics.
oper clitInf : Bool -> Str -> Str -> Str ;
To render pronominal arguments as clitics and/or ordinary complements. Returns True
if there are any clitics.
oper pronArg : Number -> Person -> CAgr -> CAgr -> Str * Str * Bool ;
To render imperatives (with their clitics etc).
oper mkImperative : Bool -> Person -> VPC -> {s : Polarity => AAgr => Str} ;
intellectual satisfaction: linguistic generalizations
code can be shared: of syntax code, 75% in Romance and 85% in Scandinavian
bug fixes and maintenance can often be shared as well
adding a new language of the same family can be very easy
difficult to get started with proper abstractions
new languages may require extensions of interfaces
Workflow: don't start with a functor, but do one language normally, and refactor it to an interface, functor, and instance.
Romance: Portuguese probably using functor, Romanian probably independent
Germanic: Dutch maybe by functor from German, Icelandic probably independent
Slavic: Bulgarian and Russian are not functors, maybe one for Western Slavic (Czech, Slovak, Polish) and Southern Slavic (Bulgarian)
Fenno-Ugric: Estonian maybe by functor from Finnish
Indo-Aryan: Hindi and Urdu most certainly via a functor
Semitic: Arabic, Hebrew, Maltese probably independent
language | syntax | morpho | lex | total | months | started |
common | 413 | - | - | 413 | 2 | 2001 |
abstract | 729 | - | 468 | 1197 | 24 | 2001 |
Bulgarian | 1200 | 2329 | 502 | 4031 | 3 | 2008 |
English | 1025 | 772 | 506 | 2303 | 6 | 2001 |
Finnish | 1471 | 1490 | 703 | 3664 | 6 | 2003 |
German | 1337 | 604 | 492 | 2433 | 6 | 2002 |
Russian | 1492 | 3668 | 534 | 5694 | 18 | 2002 |
Romance | 1346 | - | - | 1346 | 10 | 2003 |
Catalan | 521 | *9000 | 518 | *10039 | 4 | 2006 |
French | 468 | 1789 | 514 | 2771 | 6 | 2002 |
Italian | 423 | *7423 | 500 | *8346 | 3 | 2003 |
Spanish | 417 | *6549 | 516 | *7482 | 3 | 2004 |
Scandinavian | 1293 | - | - | 1293 | 4 | 2005 |
Danish | 262 | 683 | 486 | 1431 | 2 | 2005 |
Norwegian | 281 | 676 | 488 | 1445 | 2 | 2005 |
Swedish | 280 | 717 | 491 | 1488 | 4 | 2001 |
total | 12545 | *36700 | 6718 | *55963 | 103 | 2001 |
Lines of source code in April 2009, rough estimates of person months. * = generated code.
1. Create a directory GF/lib/src/marathi
2. Check out the ISO 639-3 language code: Mar
3. Copy over the files from the closest related language, e.g. hindi
4. Rename files marathi/*Hin.gf
to marathi/*Mar.gf
5. Change imports of Hin
modules to imports of Mar
6. Comment out every line between header {
and the final }
7. Now you can import your (empty) grammar: i marathi/LangMar.gf
1. ResMar
: parameter types needed for nouns
2. CatMar
: lincat N
3. ParadigmsMar
: some regular noun paradigms
4. LexiconMar
: some words that the new paradigms cover
5. (1.-4.) for V
, maybe with just present tense
6. ResMar
: parameter types needed for Cl, CN, Det, NP, Quant, VP
7. CatMar
: lincat Cl, CN, Det, NP, Quant, VP
8. NounMar
: lin DetCN, DetQuant
9. VerbMar
: lin UseV
10. SentenceMar
: lin PredVP
GF internally: 32-bit unicode
Generated files (.gfo
, .pgf
): UTF-8
Source files: whatever you want, but use a flag if not isolatin-1.
UTF-8 and cp1251 (Cyrillic) are possible in strings, but not in identifiers. The module must contain
flags coding = utf8 ; -- OR coding = cp1251
Transliterations are available for many alphabets (see help unicode_table
This is what you have to add in GF/src/GF/Text/Transliterations.hs
transHebrew :: Transliteration
transHebrew = mkTransliteration allTrans allCodes where
allTrans = words $
"A b g d h w z H T y K k l M m N " ++
"n S O P p Z. Z q r s t - - - - - " ++
"w2 w3 y2 g1 g2"
allCodes = [0x05d0..0x05f4]
Also edit a couple of places in GF/src/GF/Command/Commands.hs
You can later convert the file to UTF-8 (see help put_string
Make sure you have a compilable LangMar
at all times!
Use the GF command pg -missing
to check which functions are missing.
Use the GF command gr -cat=C | l -table
to test category C
Build and maintain a treebank: a set of trees with their linearizations:
1. Create a file test.trees
with just trees, one by line.
2. Linearize each tree to all forms, possibly with English for comparison.
> i english/LangEng.gf
> i marathi/LangMar.gf
> rf -lines -tree -file=test.trees |
l -all -treebank | wf -file=test.treebank
3. Create a gold standard gold.treebank
from test.treebank
by manually correcting the Marathi linearizations.
4. Compare with the Unix command diff test.treebank gold.treebank
5. Rerun (2.) and (4.) after every change in concrete syntax; extend the tree set and the gold standard after every new implemented function.
A good grammar book
A good dictionary
Wikipedia article on the language
Google as "gold standard": is it rucola or ruccola?
Google translation for suggestions (can't be trusted, though!)
The current development library sources are in GF/lib/src
Use make
in this directory to compile the libraries.
Use runghc Make lang api langs=Mar
to compile just the language Mar
1. Build a directory and a set of files for your target language.
2. Implement some categories, morphological paradigms, and syntax rules.
3. Give the lin
rules of at least 100 entries in Lexicon
4. Send us: your source files and a treebank of 100 trees with linearizations in English and your target language. These linearizations should be correct, and directly generated from your grammar implementation.